Chapter 10

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Hayley's POV

it was now the end of warped tour. Alex and Quinn had gotten close again. Me and Jack were also extremely close and everything was okay. Today we are heading back to Baltimore.

"Alex!" I shouted as we got to the stop by our house, "I need her please let her go!" I grinned, "we live 5 minutes away from each other. You can see her in a bit." Quinn came running over

"Byeee!" She shouted.

"Quinn. What's going on with you and Alex. What was that hug for? Are you getting together again?" I tried to get gossip.

"I like him but I keep friendzoning him by accident. I'm not really ready for a relationship and I'm pretty sure e spent like me like that anymore." She sighed.

"Awh dAMN." I smiled.

"Promise you won't be mad at me?" She said out of nowhere.

"I don't know what your talking about but I promise." I smiled.

"I'm worried about you. I got you some sleeping pills. I love you so much and I hate to see you like this." She explained. I felt anger bubble up inside me but also happiness. I hugged her.

"I love you too quinny." I smiled.

"Will you take them?"

"If that will make you happy then yes. You're also my best mate and I couldn't are to see you sad over me. So, yes." I explained quickly. Her whole face lit up.

"I'm gonna go to the shop? Want anything?" Quinn asked.

"Alcohol." I muttered.

"Okay same! I'll be like 10 minutes." She smiled and hurried out the door.

I heard ocean avenue by yellowcard start playing, meaning someone was ringing me. I looked at the ID 'dad' I sighed and answered it.

"Hayley! My dear, I heard your back in Baltimore." He said cheerily.

"Yeah, what's with the call, dad?" I asked impatiently.

"Come down to the bank. You can forget about that pathetic little band of yours and come work in the family business." He said happily.

"No thanks dad."

"What do you mean 'no thanks', Hayley you are going to carry this business when I'm gone. I have high expectations and you need to meet them." He sort of yelled.

"I don't need to meet them. I'm not carrying this business. I love the band. I hate the bank." I retorted.

"Hayley, you need to stop being a disappointment and start picking up the slack. This stupid band you're in is making our family a disgrace! You mustn't live like that. You should come and live with us and work with us. Your mother an I." He yelled.

"Fuck you, dad. Fuck you." I hung up the phone. His words kept repeating in my head

'Why are you such a disappointment'

I felt so angry. I picked up a glass and threw it at the wall. The glass shattered into a million pieces. That's how I feel. Broken. Tears streamed down my face. I felt to arms spin me into a hug.

"We'll get through this Hayley. I know how hard it is. But you can do this. You are so amazing." Quinn whispered as I cried on her shoulder.

"Nothing's Okay, Quinn. Nothing." I sobbed uncontrollably, I felt her tears begin to wet my shirt.

"Trust me. You'll be fine. I'm here. We have jack and Alex and you have me. Hayley. Well get through this. Believe me I know what it's like." She sobbed.



Q: dudes, come over we need to drink.

J: me and Alex will come over soon.

Read 6:06pm

Quinn's POV

"She's got sleeping pills. I know this is a lot to ask but could you possibly be here a lot while I'm in Arizona. She had a breakdown this morning and I'm scared it'll happen again." I whisper to the boys.

"Course, why are you going to Arizona?" Alex replied.

"Reasons yet to be revealed." I winked at him and laughed.

"Fair enough..." jack said walking info The front room.

I passed around drinks And as per usual we came to another game of truth or tattoo.

Alex and jack have never played truth or tattoo before. Losers.

"Basically, if someone doesn't answer the truth truthfully or doesn't answer it in general they get tattooe. I thing extreme and it's always in a place that's easy to hide." I explained.

"What tattoos have you got from this game Quinn?" Alex asked.

"Loads. I have one behind my ear that say 'lit fam' and I have one about my pants that is kinda sexual but it says 'do it for the lols', I have a faded one on my finger that Ben did it says 'bpb sucked qav' which isn't true but oh well. And a ton more." I said smirking.

After about three rounds alex asked jack "when Quinn died her hair randomly on warped tour, did you like it?"

"YeS...?" He grinned uneasily.

"Actually, Jack, you told me that you thought it looked like your grandma's carpet." Alex stated, "so, quinn would you like to do the honours?" Alex smirked.

"Of course, darlin'" i smiled evilly and grabbed the tattoo machine (an: I'm terrible at terminology!)

I placed the needle to his ankle and started.

After a few minutes the tattoo was complete. Alex and Hayley looked over to read it and immediately burst out laughing.

"QUINN! OH MY GOD!" Alex yelled.

Jack read it he laughed.
"Fuck you Quinn."

'I fucked a 13 y/o'

"Correct, you did fuck me!" She laughed.

"This makes me sound like a pedophile."

"There is nothing saying that you weren't 13 aswell." I shrugged.

"It's not that bad." Hayley giggled.

"What do you mean? It's terrible!" He smiled

"You should see the one Ben did to Quinn on the back of her neck!" Haykey smirked.

"Fuck no. No. Please don't look at it. It's not true. Shit." She panicked.

"Chill out, Q, it can't be THAT bad." Alex said.

"Oh it is!" Hayley laughed loudly.

"Don't look at it." I squeaked as alex and jack approached my neck. However, they flipped my hair up and alex burst out laughing.

"Shh alex I'm slow." Jack said and he began to read it aloud "Quinn has a daddy kink."

"READ UNDERNEATH!" Hayley laughed loudly.

"There's an underneath?" Alex's eyes widened.

"Yeah." Jack said, "it says....for Ben and Danny."

"QUINN YOU BAD GIRL!" Jack said in a girly tone. I visibly cringed.

"Leave me alone." I whines playfully.

By the end of the night, I had a quinnley tattoo and Alex had a dick tattoo and Hayley had a shrek/me tattoo. I'm an optimist. I also don't care what tattoos I have. A lot are jokes but they are quite well hidden and the others mean a lot to me.

A/N: I wrote out them getting tattoos but wattpad decided to delete that section. So sorry for the brief bit at the end.

-ALEX xxx

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