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(Y/n) POV

"You're going to high school" Yuu said as he passed me the papers holding my favorite human sized Pikachu doll ready to slick his throat out with a knife he was holding in his other hand.

My poor Pikachu was his hostage.

"My baby! You wouldn't dare" I sneered.

"Oh I would" he said while bringing the knife closer to his neck.

"ALRIGHT! I'LL GO" I screeched lunging for my Pikachu, he held him out for me making sure the knife was a safe distance from me as I engulfed my Pikachu in a hug.

"Sometimes I feel like you love the Pikachu way more than me" he whispered loud enough for me to hear as I playfully stuck my tongue out at him with my entire body wrapped around my Pikachu :)

...and so that's how I'm attending high school.

I grabbed my black bag fiddling with the Pikachu key chain attached to it and finally decided to get out of my black Jeep. I saw a few kids leaning on their cars talking with their group of friends and a few of them looked my way curiously. I haven't gotten my uniform yet so I wore my usual casual clothes black leggings with an oversized grey sweatshirt paired with black boots that has a three inch heel. But I also wore my Michael Kors sunglasses.

A few boys whistled my way which I smiled and waved back. I couldn't be rude. I made my way to the office since it was right at the front. I got my schedule and told them the delay in my shipping for my uniform. They also knew who I was so they didn't make me change. I walked to my locker putting in some books I got from the nice office ladies, who quickly loved me and asked for autographs for their daughters/sons.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to see who it was.

"Hey Ms. Michael Kors" a boy probably a year older than me called he looked like the typical football player but his hair was sleek back and the way he stood was exaggerated.

"Hey Mr. Wanna-be-jock" I said.

His friends 'oo'ed while I locked my locker and headed to classes only to have him grab my wrist tightly and turn me around.

I acted on instinct and turned his wrist and brought it behind his back and slammed him to the wall with one hand making him let go of me.

"Didn't your mom ever teach you how to treat a lady" I replied cradling my wrist while the boys looked at me shocked.

I turned to the boys who only stood still. "Oh well" with that I took off my sunglasses as I hung them on my shirt and their faces looked even more surprised.

"Have a good day kids" I said before walking off to my class as my (h/l) (h/c) hair flew behind me.

"It's the famous singer and model, (y/n)!"

"Holy crap!"


I made it to class without being late.

"Please introduce yourself" the teacher said.

"Good morning. My name is (y/n) Nikaidou. I love nature, cats, music, Starbucks, Pikachu, running, & chocolate. I'm 16 years old and am already working which may affect my future attendance" I said with a small smile.

Everyone looked at me as if I were a god which creeped me out. I heard a few rumors already being whispered around the room.

"Please just treat me like anyone else" I quickly commented with a smile.

"Well you'll be sitting by the window... your partner will be Ikuto Tsukiyomi" the teacher said while sweat-dropping.

I quickly took my seat waving at the blue haired boy who waved back suspiciously then turned back his attention to the lesson. No one bugged me afterwards which I was thankful for. The bell rang to go to second period and I did the same introduction. Weirdly I got the same class with Ikuto and was his partner. Second period ended and now it was snack time. Ikuto grabbed his stuff and walked off to who knows where. I decided to follow him and ended up at the roof top.

"Why are you following me" he asked as I stood still taking in the fresh air.

"I was curious to where you were going" I commented "this feels amazing" I whispered.

"It was the only place where I can get some peace" he stated purposely.

I ignored it and hummed a small tune with the wind as he laid down on a nearby bench listening. I stopped and sat beside him opening up my box of snacks. He opened one eye to see what I was doing. I handed him a chocolate dipped strawberry which he took and nibbled on. I placed it in between us as we sat silently taking in this peaceful moment until the bell rang. We finished up the strawberries and headed to class. Funnily we had another class together.

"Hey what other classes do you have next" I whispered curiously.

He said the same classes that were on my schedule.

"Looks like your stuck with me for a while" I replied.

"How unlucky I am" he stated making me laugh and him smile a bit in return.

I quickly did the same introduction and walked to the empty seat next to Ikuto before the teacher assigned me a seat. Class went on boringly. I already knew all this so it's not new to me. Ikuto and I played hangman then it just went to regular writing messages.

What we wrote;

Ikuto / (y/n)

I hate loud girls


You're pretty cool

You are too. At first I thought you were snotty

Lol I know that's probably the impression I gave everyone.


Cuz I hate it when ppl just wanna befriend me cuz I'm a famous singer & model.

Makes sense. Why you talking to me then? What if I'm befriending you cuz of your status.

I know you're not I can tell. Besides I have you for all my classes so why not try to get along?

Sucks how I'll be stuck with you for the whole year.

I playfully punched him and pretended to pay attention to the lesson. We walked to our next period and talked more.

He was a more quite, laid back kind of guy who didn't really care about much. He kept the same 'I-don't-care' look the whole day only smiling a few times here and there.

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