Utau Hoshina

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off at 6:30 am. I dragged myself out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was sticking out from odd angels. I went to the bathroom and took a warm shower.

I brushed my hair and pulled it up into a bun with some hair in the front and put on my normal clothes. I ran down to the kitchen silently my bare feet hitting the marble floor and started cooking breakfast for Yuu.

I heard the door to his room open and served his food on a plate. He walked in with his hair and clothes a total mess. It looks like a tornado dressed him up.

"Good morning. Today's breakfast is hash browns with scrambled egg whites and French toast topped with syrup" I said sliding his plate across the counter "and fresh squeezed orange juice as your drink."

"Thanks (y/n)" he said while yawning.

We talked about random things while we ate and while he finished getting ready I grabbed the two bento boxes I made while cooking breakfast and tied the blue and pink fabric around it. Mine is blue and Yuu's is pink.

After I finished that I walked up to my room to grab side bag, put on my boots, and ran down to the kitchen.

"Are you ready" I yelled at Yuu while placing the bento boxes in my bag.

"Yea coming" he yelled back from his room.

I put his papers for the school he'll be attending into my bag and cleaned the counter from where he ate. I'm sort of a clean freak and this man here dirties anything he touches.

"Alright let's go (y/n)" he said happily grabbing the keys from the counter.

He dropped me off at school and before I got out of the car I gave him his bento box and papers. I looked back at him and saw him place the stuff on the seat and drove off. Instead of walking into the school I went in the other direction towards the mall. I saw a little stage beside the mall and decided I would play there. I felt like playing a live performance.

It felt like someone was watching me. That's weird. Oh well.

I pulled out my flute from my bag and put on my sunglasses. Did I forget to mention I have a magical bag that could store any object inside it without weighing more than a feather?

I played with my eyes closed. I played a relaxing song to ease people's hearts. When I opened my eyes I saw a lot of people looking at me with a tenderness expression.

"May you all have a pleasant morning" I said with a small smile before I walked into the mall.

I put away my sunglasses and flute in my bag and walked around looking at the stores. No store caught my eye so eventually I landed on the food court and bought a chocolate ice cream cone. Then I ran into a few fans and quickly out ran them and put my sunglasses back on and a hat. The person from earlier was still following me though. I ran and this time I heard the person chasing me. I ran faster then I sharply turned my body around and caught the person by the neck.

Blond pigtails.

"Utau" I questioned surprised as she looked up at me.

I immediately let her go as she gasped for air.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting it to be you stalking me" I commented.

"I wouldn't waste my time on you. You were just... heading the same way I was" she said obviously lying.

I looked around with the corner of my eye and saw a ramen place.


"Well then since we're going to the same place why not sit together" I asked.

"What" she said confused oblivious to what I was talking about.

"Well if you were going to the same place I was going then you would've gone in this ramen shop right? I mean there's nothing else around" I said.

"Well yea. I guess I'll have to sit with you" she said while crossing her arms and walking inside first.

I grabbed my ticket after her and to say I was surprised was the least! We ate the same amount of food! I never thought I'd find a girl who can eat as much as me.

"Wow! I miss underestimated you! I thought I was the only girl who could eat this much" I admitted.

"I thought so too" she said softly.

"Hey next time wanna see who can eat more AND the fastest" I asked with my eyes sparkling.

"Oh wait your a singer. I doubt you would want to eat out in public again especially at a place like this" I said disappointed.

"Look who's talking. You're on! I accept your challenge" Utau stated wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Alright! In two days from now same place same time" I exclaimed clearly excited.

"You'll be bowing down to me by the time you finish your ramen while accepting defeat" she challenged.

"Oh so the loser bows down to the other" I questioned.

"Hmm.. and if I win you have to stay away from Ikuto" she said which made me fall to the floor spitting my water out.

What the hell did she just say?

"Fine! But if I win you have to perform a concert with me and become my best friend" I said pointing at her.

She held her hand out to shake on our deal. I held my hand out and shake it while she quickly pulled me up and walked out.

This is gonna be interesting! Why'd I say 2 days from now! I can't wait that long, it's torture!

But why was she following me at the beginning?

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