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Today is the big today and I'm just slightly nervous. I just needed to remember to breathe and Utau always reminded me that. She's my maid of honor. The Director ended up buying this park, saving it from being demolished and let us have it for the day.

Ikuto and I invited the guardians and his mom and the director and Hikaru and of course Yuu who will be walking me down the aisle.

"Ready to put on your dress" Utau asked me as I nodded nervously "just relax. You'll be fine."

She handed me the short simple cute dress that we picked out together. I didn't want a long big one because then I wouldn't be able to ride the rides after and this was a small wedding too. It was just perfect though.

I got through the ceremony easily and we all went to ride on all the ride. I had to hold my veil from flying off the rollercoaster. We all had so much fun and I wouldn't have had it any other way. After the day was over everyone left and Yuu helped take the gifts home while Ikuto and I stayed out late walking around town enjoying the starry night sky. We got some chocolate taiyaki in the middle of our walk and stopped by a playground to eat it.

"(Y/n), I know I already told you this but it was in front of everyone. Now I'm saying this to you and only you. This is only for your ears" he whispered as he bit my ear and I laughed softly at the ticklish feeling it gave me "I love you for now and forever. I always will. I promise to never betray you. My heart now belongs to you so no matter what you chose to do with it I will forever love you."

I held his cheek with my hand and brought him closer to me.

"Forever and always Ikuto, I love you" I said as we kissed for the millionth time today, but I can never get tired of these warm kisses that send fireworks through my body.

I love him. I love Ikuto... forever and always.

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