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(Y/n)'s POV

I slept soundly with no nightmares. I slept peacefully.

This was all too good to be true.

I woke up to hearing the door twist and the clinging of keys. Then footsteps got closer making my eyes open. I looked at what was cuddling me and saw it was Ikuto with my robe up and his hands on my bare skin. Then last night hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Yuu! This isn't what it looks like! I can explain" I yelled panicking while I pushed Ikuto off of me and pulled my robe around my body tighter.

It seemed like Ikuto was slowly waking up and realizing what situation we're in.

"There isn't much to explain" Ikuto said.

I looked at him confused and then to Yuu.

"I called him last night and told him where we live and he came" Yuu said.

"He also told me how you were being a stalker while I was at the amusement park with Amu" Ikuto added and I felt my face burn up.

"Yuu" I cried and they both laughed at me.

Ikuto wrapped his arms around my shoulders and leaned on me placing a bit of his weight on me but I leaned into his hold.

"Thank you, Yuu" I said to him as I held onto Ikuto's arm.

"Ikuto you better take good care of her. If you are even the cause of one single tear on her pretty face then I will hunt you down" Yuu said venomously.

"I promise to never make her cry, Nikaido" he said.

"Call me Yuu" he replied as he patted Ikuto on the shoulder. 

"Are you hungry Ikuto? I can make you something to eat, you too Yuu" I said with a smile.

"Sure I can go for one of your pancakes. I'll call Utau to join us too. I'm sure she'd like to hear the good news" Yuu said as he left to go downstairs.

"Never make me cry, huh" I asked as he snuggled in the crook of my neck and his hair ticking me.

He pecked my neck and I blushed at his action. As he pulled away he made me turn to him and when I looked at him directly into his eyes my heart melted. Pure love. Was all I saw. A smile has graced his gorgeous face and his eyes those beautiful midnight blue eyes that reminded me of the night sky, the eyes that I fell in love with just showed utter adoration. His feelings are pure that is certain.

I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him into a hug to which he snaked his arms around my waist.

"I will never leave you nor betray you. I will promise you that my little kitten" he said as something inside of me snapped.

The feeling in my legs gave out and my eyelids became heavy as I felt myself falling into the hands of Ikuto lifelessly.

"(Y/n)" I heard someone call.

"Lu" I questioned as I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings "where are we?"

"In the Hall of memories... your memories" she said as I got up from the ground and looked around.

There were many doors with chained locks and the doors were either black or white colored. The doors with no locks were open but through the door it was white.

"The black doors represent your bad memories and white represents the good ones. You still have a lot of memories that you haven't remembered yet those are the ones chained up with locks and they're being locked by a special lock and key in the real world. One which I have yet to find" she said as I walked to a door which lock looked brittle.

I walked closer to it and brought my hand to it, the door was white so it meant good, but then there were black swirls around it. Does that mean that this good memory was also tainted with darkness?

"You unlocked that memory yourself. Something triggered it in the outside world" Li informed me as I nodded.

I brought my hand up to the lock and with just a touch of the tip of my finger the chains and lock shattered and dispersed into nothing.

As the door opened I slowly walked in and was able to step through the white wall. I was engulfed in brightness and it took a while for my eyes to adjust, but when they did the setting was unfamiliar.

"You were 5 years old at this time" I heard a familiar voice say as I turned around.

It was me. She smiled back.

"Welcome" she said "I've been waiting."

I smiled nervously.

"Iku! Hurry" she yelled and my eyes widened.

"He's 6 years old" my other self said.

"Hold on princess" his younger self called out as he ran after her.

"Ikuto" I questioned.

"Come on. Let's follow them" my other self said as she pushed me.

We followed them to a beautiful garden that had a huge waterfall and it just looked gorgeous.

"What do you want to do" she said happily.

Wait. I know myself. That's a fake smile. Why am I pretending to be happy?

"(Y/n) you don't have to pretend in front of me. I know somethings wrong. You should know I can always tell" Ikuto said benevolently.

"Hahaha what do you mean Iku? What could be wrong? I have everything I want, even you. Your beside me nothing else can make me happier" she replied with a smile plastered on her face.

"(Y/n)" he warmed and then flicked her forehead.

"Ow" she yelled holding her head and hiding her face, drops of water began to fall on the grass.

"Mommy and daddy. They've been fighting... a lot" she whispered "and it's about you. They don't want me to be with you because of your father. They think you'll leave me and I'll be hurt in the end. But I want you and only you, Ikuto. I don't care about anyone else. Your my one and only love."

After listening Ikuto brought her in a hug and patted her head as she cried her eyes out on his shoulder.

"I feel the same way and I know your parents are right. But I'm a selfish human and all I want is you" he said as he hugged her tighter "I want you all to myself. I don't want any other boy looking at you and I want you only to look at me. Knowing that I'm such a selfish person do you still want me" he asked as she let go and nodded a yes.

Then the next thing he did unexpectedly was pull away from the hug and get down on one knee while grabbing a long piece of grass and tying it the size of a finger.

"(Nickname) will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me when we're older" he asked and she went onto her knees crying harder while clinging to him.

"Yes! Yes" she said joyfully as he placed the grass ring on her finger.

This is a bit embarrassing but cute.

"Ikuto I love you now and forever. No matter what I will forever be yours" she said.

"So will I" he said as he kissed her passionately, but the happy moment had to end.

A brown haired woman with pink eyes dressed in a stunning slim black dress looked sternly at the two and once they noticed her. My little self pulled away from Ikuto and stood in front of him protectively.

"Mother! Don't get any closer to us!"

That's my mother?

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