My lover

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(Y/n) POV

"Mother was the one who opposed our feelings towards Ikuto strongly. She was the one who made him leave and the one to erase our memory of him. She worked as a scientist and it was hard for her to erase my memory of him so she accidentally erased everything" my other self said.

"I'm ready to go back home" I said softly.

"Calling that place your home already? That's nice" she laughed "remember I'm always here if you need me. I'm the only one who can never betray you since I'm you."

With that said the next time I blinked I was in a different place. My room. Utau was laying her head over my bed as she sat on the ground holding my hand. I slowly stood up as she began to wake up.

"You're awake" she said happily.

"Yes. I'm awake again..." I said.

Call it best friend intuitio, but somethings off about her.

"Utau, what's wrong" I said cautiously as I also began to sense another Chara with her.

It's bad.

"It hurts" she said as the door opened to reveal Yuu.

"Utau, Ikuto just came. Can you tell him (y/n) just woke up and to give me a moment with her" he told her as she nodded and left, but gave me one last sad look before she closed the door behind her.

"Hey, how you feeling" he asked gently.

"Surprisingly ok" I continued "I actually just unlocked a memory of mine from my past and well it was something."

"Really? How so" he asked.

"Well it turns out that when we were little Ikuto and I well... were in love, but my mother separated us" I said the last part sadly.

He brought me into a hug patting my head.

"I need to find something" I said pulling away "she told me to find a lock and key. They'll open up all my other memories!"

"Who's she" he asked.

You can just call me Frost.

"Frost" I replied "she knows everything about me and how to get my lost memories back."

"Ok, but for now I think you should focus on Utau. While you were asleep Easter has stepped up their game in trying to make an embryo since they can't have you. They're using my research and making Utau gather lots of x eggs so they can make one. She's under a lot of pressure right now and she has no one to talk with" he said sadly as I nodded in understanding.

"Thank you for telling me this, papa" I said but quickly put my hand over my mouth "I'm so sorry I don't know why I just blurted that out."

Yuu was frozen for a bit but quickly recovered.

"No it's fine. Sorry, but for some reason it felt familiar. You calling me that" he whispered as I too thought the same thing, but then the door opened.

"Ikuto" I whispered happily as I ran to hug him.

I immediately kissed him eagerly and hugged him tightly as I let go from the kiss. I took in his scent as I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"Oh my god Ikuto I love you so much" I whispered as he hugged back passionately too.

"Is everything ok" he asked.

"For now, but I'll explain everything later. I need to see Utau" I said.

"She just left" Ikuto replied as I ran out the door.

"(Y/n)" I heard Ikuto and Yuu hell behind me but I ignored them.

I ran out of the house barefoot and got a lot of stares as I ran through the streets looking for Utau. Then up ahead I saw a blonde with two high pigtails.

"UTAU" I yelled as she turned around and I lunged at her into a hug.

"(Y/n)?! What are you doing here" she yelled surprised.

"I was looking for you. You shouldn't have left" I said as she looked at me sadly and hugged me again, not letting go.

I felt a drop of water roll down my back.

"Shhhh. It's ok. I'm here for you now. I'm so sorry I left you when you needed me the most" I said as I petted her head as she cried a little on my shoulder.

She quickly pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears away.

"I have to go" she said with a small smile "I need to do this last job and then they'll get the embryo and they'll stop searching for you and you can be free to live without hiding from them."

"What? No! Utau! That's what your doing this for? For me" I yelled astonished "why?!"

"I will do anything to keep you safe" she yelled back.

"Not if it means hurting yourself! I don't want that! Utau! You need to stop this" I screamed back.

"It's too late. We'll spread this CDs tonight" she whispered as I was about to reach for her, but she beat me "Iru! Character change!"

With that she flew away and didn't look back.

"No. UTAUUUUU" I screamed as I was left alone.

No! Dammit. Why? Ughhh! I hate Easter.

I felt a hand wrap around my shoulders, their scent was familiar. I wrapped myself around him hiding in his chest.

"Ikuto we have to do something" I whispered.

"I know, but I'm not sure what to do" he said frustrated.

"Tonight we have to help her" I said determinedly.

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