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(Y/n) POV

I woke up from the nap and walked to my balcony and climbed up to the roof being quiet. Once I was on top I took in a deep breath and stretched a bit. My head hurts from just thinking about what Lu told me. My memories, huh. I never really even thought much about them, but now that's the only thing I can think about. My memories and Lu...

I heard whispers in the corner so I immediately turned around, but there was nothing.

"Who's there" I called out as the whispers grew louder.

What's going on?! Stop! Someone make it stop!

"UGH" I grunted loudly stumbling to the ground.

There's too many voice! It hurts. So many feelings are rushing through my mind. Sadness, anger, joy, jealousy, everything. I felt tears running down my face. I clutched my head. Why's this happening?! Every second that passed the pain grew even worse. For a moment I saw Utau and Ikuto in front of me but I was too occupied with the pain to pay it much thought. I felt something or someone wrap themselves around me.

My mind felt like it was being stabbed with a million needles, but then it zoomed in on one voice. A familiar voice.

"She's still asleep, she doesn't know anything even though Lu showed up."

I let out a high pitch scream as the pain became unbearable and then all the voices were gone. I breathed heavily as I looked at my surroundings. It was Ikuto and Utau. Utau was the one who was hugging me. I quickly engulfed her in a hug. Realization was sinking in. I connected with the thoughts of everyone on this planet. When I noticed their expressions it looked like they were in pain a few seconds ago and just recovering.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"When you screamed. I think it echoed in our minds only a thousand times stronger" Utau said trying to put the pieces together.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It's ok. What happened anyway" she asked.

Should I tell them? Will they believe me?

"It's ok. We're here for you" Ikuto said.

"Promise me you won't think I'm crazy" I said as they looked at me questionably but nodded.

I took in a deep breath and explained everything.

"It's not that hard for me to believe since you told me something telepathically earlier today. I believe you" Utau said as I smiled happily at her.

"I just can't help but wander what's going to happen now that Lu and I are reunited" I admitted.

"I'm sure nothing bad will happen to you two" Ikuto said.

I was glad that they believed me.

A few days have passed and it's been normal lately. I've laid low and haven't seen the guardians and I really hope I can keep that up. I ended up making up with Yuu but I still haven't told him what happened. I need to tell him soon but now is not a good time.

Lu and I's relationship is like old friends after not seeing each other for a long time we're catching up. I feel more comfortable around her and she's gained my trust.

Utau and I had our competition and of course I won. But she was actually fine with it. Ever since that day I opened up to her we've been getting closer. Honestly even without the bet we're best friends at heart which makes me happy. I've never had a best friend that I could rely on like her.

We asked the director if we could sing together and become a group. Which he agreed but there's going to be a lot of paperwork for him to fill out before we do anything. The two of us just practice singing and messing around from time to time.

I haven't seen Ikuto since that day though. It worries me wondering what he's doing. But he would send me letters through cats.

A few of them said how much he misses me but in an indirect way. He's always being mysterious and secretive. He wouldn't tell me what he was actually doing. He said he was looking for something but wouldn't tell me what. I'm glad that he's at least ok and not hurt.

But I do miss him but I'm obviously not going to admit that to him! Especially since Utau has a thing for him, but now that I notice it she hasn't really shown that much interest in him as a man but as a brother now. I'm not sure if she's over him or not but I could tell that somethings changed her mind about him.

I wonder what.

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