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(Y/n) POV

I ran to Seiyo Academy. Yuu forgot a few papers so I went home to get them. Now I'm on my way back.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a garden.

I stopped and saw there was a green house.

"Yuu won't get mad if I stopped by right?" I whispered softly.

"I mean he really needs the papers... but a minute wouldn't hurt" Lu said flying to the flowers and smelling them.

I walked in and saw my favorite type of flower and I quickly touched them. Flowers are so beautiful. I heard a glass cup shatter on the ground and saw the guardians. I stumbled back shocked. Tadase walked toward me and before he could say anything I took off running pulling Lu with my left hand and holding the papers with my right.

Dammit. Dammit. Dammit!

I ran and saw the guardians in their character changes and Amu in her transformation with Ran. She was faster than the others, but still I was stronger than all of them.

I jumped at full power and twirled in the air as I landed on a lamp and kept on jumping from lamp to lamp.

I think this is just gonna bring even more suspicion towards me but at this point I'm just trying to get away.

"Wait! We won't hurt you! We just want to talk about our last encounter" Tadase yelled.

I stopped and turned around. They won't stop so I'll make them. I held my hand up and whispered "sorry" they were still able to understand but they just didn't know what I was gonna do.

"(Y/n)! No" Lu yelled.

"Mother Earth hear thy prayer! Protect thee from thy foes who may uncover secrets wanted unknown" I yelled and the earth formed walls to stop them and I quickly used this to my advantage.

I ran off to Yuu's classroom. I'm getting better at using my charms. Yuu wasn't in here. He probably had a meeting, I just stayed until he came back. Yuu finally came in and I gave him his papers. He had to return to a meeting so I walked outside to get some fresh air. My thoughts went to Ikuto as I saw a cat running in the distance. I want to see him now... but he's busy doing something. I should probably drop my Utau's later.


Were there really other people I cared about in my forgotten memories? I felt a drop of water slide down my cheek. I touched it and trailed it back up to my eye. When realization hit me the tears just came flowing out. What am I crying for?

"I don't know what's wrong with me Lu" I whispered as the tears were running down my cheeks.

"It's ok (y/n)" Lu said while placing her mini hand on my cheek.

"I know" she said proudly.

She cheered me up by telling me the story of how she made it to Japan again. She's loves telling the story because of how proud she feels about it. She was able to get my mind off Ikuto. My eyes, nose, and cheeks were a bit watery and red.

"Hey" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned to find Ikuto and I felt the biggest smile appear on my face.

"You're back" I whispered as I ran to give him a hug.

"Why were you crying" he asked once I let go of him.

I hid my face in his sweater.

"Hey, talk to me" he said placing a hand on my head.

"I missed you" I said accidentally telling him the truth.

I pulled away from he hug and placed my hands over my mouth realizing what I just said. I'm such an idiot.

I looked away and stood silent not knowing what to do.

"So you were lonely without me~" he said and I swear I could feel a smirk forming on his face.

This bastard.

"Umph whatever" I said while crossing my arms.

He just laughed at my actions and finally noticed Lu.

"Hi Lu" Yoru said with a smile and Lu greeted him back.

"Thanks again" Lu said.

"What" I questioned.

"He was the person who found me after I came to Japan and sent me to you" Lu said as I starred back at Ikuto astonished "he also went to find something for me."

Ikuto pulled out a mini crystal handing it to Lu.

"What's it for" I asked as she placed it on her necklace which I didn't even know she had.

The crystal was missing on it, but she was able to put it back and a small light appeared around it and then vanished.

"Just an important jewel of mine I lost" she said as I didn't bother to ask more questions.

"So that's what you've been doing this whole time" I asked him as he just shrugged.

Without thinking I placed a quick soft kiss on his cheek and before he could say anything I ran off.

"(Y/n), do you like him" Lu asked as she was flying beside me.

"Maybe" I whispered, silently thinking about her question.

I felt my cheeks getting a bit redder. I'm not 100% sure if I do.

"He's just a friend though" I whispered sadly as she nodded.

I told Lu to jump on my shoulder and we went to stop by for some chocolate taiyaki. We ate our food in silence. It was so cute watching her eat. We went for a walk under the moonlight when we finished.

(Y/n) / Lu

So when did you start talking to Ikuto-san

When I enrolled at his school a couple days ago. We have the same classes and sit right next to each other except for PE. We also always go to the rooftop at snack and lunch. I miss hanging out.


Lu I'm not sure what to call these feelings that I have for Ikuto.

Well try explaining how he makes you feel.

How he makes me feel? Well he makes me feel every emotion.

Then how about when he's kissing a girl besides you? How does that make you feel.

I felt something in my heart tug and my stomach feel uneasy.

...sad...and thinking about it is making me want to cry...

Think about it some more. I can't tell you what you think about Ikuto. You have to figure that out on your own.

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