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(Y/n) POV

Yuu, Ikuto, Utau, Sanjo, and Kairi were waiting for me at home. I don't really know Kairi that much but that he was related to Yukari Sanjo. They all took me to the emergency room and I got my foot bandaged up. The doctor said I'll be on crutches for a few weeks but other than that I'm fine and don't brake anything but I was close. Right now we're headed to Utau and Sanjo's new office to help them with something.

"Ahhhh! It's here. Here's where it all begins" Sanjo said.

"Are you alright Sanjo? You quit Easter and even got this new office" Utau asked her as I walked beside Utau with my crutches and a smile.

"We had to change offices once we defied them. But with you're singing and my managing skills we will definitely win! We're going right to the top" Sanjo roared determinedly.

"Wai- there's no elevator? Hey Yukari" Yuu complained.

"Hmmm there's something about this...the old building and creaky stairs" Kairi said.

"It'll be even more creepier if you think about it in a more negative way" I replied to him with a laugh.

On the way home I noticed I had a sprained foot pretty bad. Turns out Frost subdued the pain but it hurt like hell after I got home. She wouldn't let me heal it with Lu either, but Kairi was one of the people who took me to the doctors we've warmed up to each other quite a bit. I'm proud to call him a friend.

"What kind of job is this? You call me up, asking me to do these odd jobs for you" Yuu said.

"Oh, Yuu. I guess it can't be helped huh? The company left you with nothing after all, well only (y/n)" Sanjo said as I perked up my name.

"I have a lot saved in my earnings from my jobs. We're able to live blissfully off of that" I said but Yuu put a hand over my mouth.

"That's not it. Even though I'm your ex boyfriend..." Yuu said but was interrupted.

"Ex-boyfriend current boyfriend you're still useful. Besides you said you were free today" Sanjo stated winning the argument.

"Hey! I've come to help out" I heard Amu yell.

"Joker! I owe you one" Kairi said as I stood close to Utau.

"Everyone else is coming later! Here I brought some juice" she cheered.

"Hold up... I don't need your help, okay" Utau said with her hands on her hips.

"Neither do I! I'm only doing this because of Kairi" Amu fired back, but then noticed me.

"Oh! (Y/n)" she said as I smiled at her " how's your foot doing?"

"It's been better" I said laughing a bit "how's your sister?"

"She was so happy that she got to see you guys last night it was hard to make my parents think that it was all a dream she probably had" Amu replied with an exhausted sigh.

"Well I'm glad she didn't get hurt with all that commotion" I said.

"Yea... Utau... (y/n)" Amu called as we turned to look at her "do you know what happened to Ikuto after?"

Utau stayed silent waiting for me to answer.

"He's safe, if that what your worried about. He took me to the hospital along with everyone else" I said tenderly thinking of him holding my hand while they bandaged my foot.

"Are you in love with Ikuto" Amu whispered but slapped her hands to her mouth realizing what she just said.

"I am. Ikuto is my lover forever, I'm stuck with him" I said trying to make her laugh which she did.

"(Y/n)" Yuu called "it's time to go!"

"Well I'll see you guys soon" I said as I hugged Amu and Utau good bye.

Amu was a bit surprised by my hug but she returned it and Utau helped me get down the stairs safely.

I saw Sanjo and Kairi by the door and decided to mess with him. I got close to his ear and whispered something that made him turn all red and embarrassed. Yuu saw the whole thing and asked me what did I tell him once I got in the car.

"Good luck and to hurry up before Tadase beats him in capturing Amu's full love" I replied with a smile as Yuu smiled back petting my head.

"What are you going to do now" he asked.

"Can you drop me off near the park. I'm going to start looking for Ikuto there since we haven't seen him since the hospital, I'm worried" I said sadly as he agreed.

"You sure you don't want me to help" he asked as I exited the car since we were already here.

"I think it's best if I'm the only one who's looking for him" I said before he drove off.

I walked with the help of my crutches keeping a lookout for Ikuto. I ran into a few fans and took pics with them and signed their shirts but other than that I kept on searching. It was already dark by now. I was searching almost the whole day and I was exhausted. My underarms were extremely sore from the crutches. It started to sprinkle a bit as I kept on walking to the last place I haven't looked yet.

Where could you be?

"Ikuto..." I whispered to myself as I saw a ball of blue fur.

I slowly walked to it and noticed that it was Ikuto. I began to walk faster but accidentally slipped underneath the wet floor. It hurt. I tried getting up by myself and accomplished it messily. I walked closer as I heard them talking.

"Everyone got their happily ever after except for us. So what are we going to do from meow on? Ikutooo" Yoru said as I threw a piece of a rock at the two of them.

"I think it's time to go home Ikuto and Yoru" I said as I held my hand out for them to take.

Ikuto gently grabbed my hand and pecked my lips.

"You'll catch a cold in this weather" he whispered as he picked me up bridle style grabbing my crutches in the process too.

"So will you and Yoru" I replied softly as he smiled warmly at me.

Yoru got on his shoulders as he walked us home and boy did he get a big scolding from Yuu when we got home.

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