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(Y/n) POV

We were here at the concert that Utau was going to be performing today. This will be the last concert she's performing by herself then it'll just be the two of us and maybe Ikuto. I'll just be performing a solo today like 30 minutes after Utau.

I was walking with Yuu wearing sunglasses and a baggy sweater with my hoodie on, which Lu was in, until we stopped and Yuu said "looks like those brats are here".

I looked in the direction he was looking and saw the 2 girl guardians of Seiyo Elementary the ace chair, Yaya and the Queen's chair, Nadeshiko who's actually a boy not that anyone knows except Yuu since I told him. We pretended to accidentally bump into them and they looked annoyed that he was there. I took off my sunglasses in front of them so they knew who I was. All of a sudden Yaya attacked me full on fan girl mode.

"Hey, Amu-chan" Yuu yelled waving his hand when he saw her, earning a ticked off mark on my head.

"HUH?! Nikaidou-sensei and you?!" she yelled surprised.

"Hello, hello" he said happily while he patted the Ace's and Queen's chair shoulder.

"Hey why are they here too" Amu asked whispering too loud.

"Uh...we bumped into them" Nadeshiko replied.

"I guess he applied for this too and (y/n) is suppose to have a concert here too" Yaya commented.

"(Y/n)? That's her name? We're not gonna ask her about her powers" Amu asked.

"Hmm? What are you whispering about" Yuu asked pretending that he didn't hear them.

After finding out they were alone with no adults Yuu pretended to worry about them so he tagged along with them. When we got seats they noticed this place was owned by Easter while I dozed off in my seat next to Yuu. Yuu also made a hateful comment about a kid not being able to achieve his dreams. Lu jumped out of my sweater and laid on my lap while I pet her.

"Your gonna love her voice" I whispered to Lu who looked uneasy.

The show started and Utau appeared.She character changed with her devil Chara making her have black bat wings on her back. She continued to sing and the heart's eggs on people started coming out while Lu hid in my hair scared. I looked at Yuu and saw his face was blank. Then all of a sudden one of the lights came falling on the stage landing next to Utau.

"UTAU" I yelled worryingly and jumped my way across on the chairs to the stage with Lu hanging onto my hair. I heard Yuu scream my name out, but it was faint.

"(Y/n)" Utau yelled.

I pushed her away from another light that was about to fall, but I wasn't fast enough to get myself to safety. I fell to the ground face flat and felt an enormous pain on my leg.

"Someone help" I heard Utau scream as Lu came out.

"Character Change" Lu yelled.

I grabbed Utau's hand and focused on using my charm as Lu's thoughts were in my head.

"I wish we were any where but here" Lu and I yelled as we were no longer in the studio.

"(Y/n)" Utah yelled and pulled me in a hug.

"Ouch" I yelped from the pain.

We both looked at my leg and it looked really bad. Long gashes were visible on my blood covered leg and a few metal prices were stuck in my skin. I was losing a lot of blood. Today was an extremely bad day to wear shorts. I bit my lip as I started to feel the pain. I looked around and saw that we were out in the open street. I was feeling lightheaded and was about to fall asleep until Utau slapped my face.

"Don't go to sleep. I'll call for an ambulance" Utau said pulling out her phone.

"Come on (y/n) you can't leave us yet" Lu said.

I saw Utua's eyes get watery. I can't pass out, who knows if I'll wake up. I can't leave them behind either. Too many people care about me. I held onto Utau's shirt, I was feeling weaker by the minute. I noticed a few people walking towards us and as soon as they noticed us they made a scene.

"Is that the famous singer Utau?! Oh my god and the famous model (Y/n)" a girl squealed.

Utau adjusted her position to get a look at who recognized us which made my leg a perfect display for them to see. They gasped at my wounded leg.

"What happened" a different girl asked.

"We need help! Someone's injured" her other friend yelled.

A few more people started walking to us and most of them recognized who we were. People started asking question and I soon heard the sirens of the ambulance near by.

"Everyone make room so we can get through" I heard a man yell out.

The stranger picked me up bridal style and Utau held my leg straight so no damage could be done to it.

"She's lost a lot of blood! We need to bring her to the hospital immediately" he yelled as he moved me to a bed in the ambulance car.

"I'm coming too" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Sir you're not allowed in here" he said but Utau butted in.

"He's my brother let him in" she said menacingly.

I soon saw Ikuto at my side. I felt a small smile appear on my face. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it a bit.

"You're going to be ok" he whispered as I nodded.

Ikuto had found some medical fabric and wrapped it around my leg making it look like a mummy and making a bloody mess on the bed. Utau grabbed my hand and rubbed her thumb on my palm. Everything will be ok. I'm not going to die from blood loss... right?

For some reason everything wanted to go bad for me that day. I don't regret saving Utau but I do regret getting myself hurt because what I was about to face needed all of my strength.

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