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(Y/n) POV

The day went on with me walking around the mall until it was almost time school ended. I walked to Seiyo Elementary and found Yuu hidden. I immediately made my way to him.

"Do what you have to and make it quick" Yuu said harshly which took me by surprise but I still did it.

I walked to the girl and placed my hand over her heart.

I'm sorry.

"Negative emotions... unlock" I whispered as my hand glowed a black smokey color.

Amu and I believe it was Kukai, chased the egg for a bit and let it get away. Good job Amu (note the sarcasm). I rolled my eyes at the two kids as they left.

"Are you ready" Yuu asked.

"For what" I questioned.

"Seriously you already forgot" Yuu said rubbing his neck "your photo shoot!"

"Oh my! I totally forgot" I said as I ran off to his car and him too.

We sped to my shoot of course sponsored by Easter. It was a small gig, but paying an immense amount of money.

"Nika-san" someone called me by my nickname for my last name since Yuu and I would get confused. I told them to shorten it since they refused to call me by my first name.

"Yes" I replied as they immediately dragged me to the fitting room dressing me.

The outfit was pretty, I was suppose to be doing a shoot for pajamas. (Cuz Im too lazy to describe it pic is @ top)

My makeup consisted of mascara and lip gloss since they said I didn't really need makeup because my skin was already beautiful.

I really liked the pajamas they were so comfy.

"Thank you for your help" I said as my assists left after finishing my hair.

I walked out to the set and everyone stared at me as I passed by. Yuu glared at every guy that stared at me which I softly laughed at. We made it to the area which looked like a garden lit up by a starry night and introduced ourselves and got to work quickly.

"Ok over here Nika" the director said as more flashes brightened my surroundings.

I pretended that the cameras weren't there and acted as natural as I can be. The director loved my poses and the expressions I gave as I played with different emotions.

"You looked so beautiful miss" one of the ladies who helped me get ready said after I finished the shoot "do you think I can get an autograph for my daughter please. She's a really huge fan."

"Why thank you. But I'm not even half as beautiful as you are" I said and hesitantly took the magazine of me on it that she held out for me and signed it.

I walked to the side to grab my water bottle as Yuu and the director were talking about some future collaborations.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blue ball of fur. Can it be?

I chased the blue ball of fur to the rooftop. Once I was close enough I lunged at him and we went rolling on the ground well he did I quickly got back on my feet with a back flip.

"Yo" Ikuto greeted.

"Hi" I said while laughing.

"You look nice" he said trying not to stare too much.

"Thanks" I replied "what'chu doing here so late?"

"Well I happened to stop by on you and the director practically drooling at you" he said.

"What did you think of the shoot" I asked laughing.

"I think you did alright" he said turning the other way and walking off.

"Leaving so soon" I questioned.

"Why? Want me to say" he asked.

"I was just curious if you and your sister were going to give me a break since you've been stalking me" I said.

"Stalking" he questioned "I wouldn't waste my time on you" he sighed as he jumped to the next lamp post.

I followed in pursuit but on a farther lamp post and he looked surprised I was able to do that.

He jumped but on my lamp post. I almost fell off but he caught me by the waist.

"You should be more careful" he whispered as I smiled.

I quickly removed his hand from my waist and slowly slipped from his grasp as I fell towards the ground. He stood there shocked but jumped after me and missed as I closed my eyes taking in the fresh air.

"(Y/N)" he yelled.

I quickly turned my body so I landed on the ground toe first. My land was silent and graceful.

"Did I scare you for a second" I joked once he was by my side.

"What the hell! Don't ever do that again you can pull your suicidal stunts on someone else" he yelled angry that I tricked him "I'll see you later, (y/n)" he said throwing his sweater in my face as I looked back up at him walking away.

"Alright. Catch you later Iku" I said making him freeze at the nickname I gave him and put on the sweater once he left.

How thoughtful of him :)

I walked back in the direction of Yuu's car where he was waiting for me angrily. I'm gonna get a huge scolding right now.

Ikuto POV

(Y/n) looked way too seductive in those pajamas. She doesn't know how mature she looked while modeling in that. It was hard to talk to her since my teenage hormones were acting up. It makes me slightly annoyed thinking that other people saw her like that... eugh weird feelings.

But I've had no luck with getting close to her to find out information about Nikaidou.

(Y/n), I'm sorry.

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