Lu, My Chara

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In the last chapter...

"I've been looking for you all these years" Lu said sadly "you really don't remember?"


(Y/n) POV

"No I don't know anything since two years ago when my memories started" I said as she let out a sigh.

"I don't have any memory either, but I do know I'm your Chara" she said as I stared at her not knowing what to say.

"My chara" I questioned as she nodded her head yes.

"How do you know this though" I asked as she just gave an I don't know look.

"Your spirit guided me" she said as I sat thinking.

I know Chara's have a connection with there and there is a familiarity to her, but is it really fine to just welcome her with open arms...

"That night two years ago I was with you when you were unconscious in the alley. I took you there because it didn't feel safe being out in the open. I went to go try and look for someone to help, but I found no one so I went back to you. That's when I saw Yuu with you" she continued "you had no memory of anything not even basic knowledge, your memories were completely wiped. So I tried carrying on my own investigation this time to find out what happened, but I've found out nothing."

"Well... that's something" I said speechless.

"It was a struggle chasing you to Japan" she said "I sensed that something awakened in you and I just knew I needed to see you."

"I was doing perfectly fine with Yuu. I don't feel like it's necessary to gain back my memories since I'm happy right now" I told her as she looked up at me like I was crazy.

"B-B-But your memories! You probably have people you cared about in them are you really just going to toss them away" she asked.

"If I did have people that cared about me then wouldn't they come looking for me" I asked softly as she went to sit on my bed "Lu, I think you've done enough searching. Please relax and open up your mind to a possible new life that you could enjoy."

"But (y/n) I spent these years looking for a clue for us I can't just decide to give up" she said.

"Ok then take your time. No need to rush" I said "I'm just going to have to get use to having a close friend with me now."

She giggled as she said that and flew over to me and gave me a hug.

"I've missed you" she said as I smiled and held her close to me as we took a nap.

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