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(Y/n) POV

My foot healed in no time. The doctor was surprised but didn't question it. These past couple of days have been too normal. Ikuto has been napping practically the entire day and it's worrying me. Utau comes to visit a lot along with Sanjo. We know that Easter is now after Ikuto since he's the only once left in Easter to carry out the boss's plans.

"Ikuto you have to wake up and at least eat" I whispered worryingly "please."

He didn't wanna move he kept on sleeping. It doesn't help that Yoru hasn't been around lately.

"Still nothing" Utau asked.

"Nothing. He's not moving from that bed" I said as I felt my eyes become teary eyed.

Utau hugged me as I cried a bit hiding in her chest.

"The doctor can't figure out what wrong with him and if he's not eating we can't help him get better" Yuu said frustrated.

"His energy is being drained that's all I know but I can't tell from what" I said as Yuu softened his gaze once he looked at me.

"Do you and Utau want to sleep over" Yuu asked Sanjo as she nodded.

We have an extra room for visitors which is where they stay.

"Get some rest it's late right now" he said as I nodded.

Yuu led Sanjo upstairs so they could probably talk about the situation in private without me breaking out into more tears.

"When are you going to tell them that he's been sneaking off at night constantly" Utau asked.

"Until I find out what he's after" I said "he keeps on sneaking into Easter but comes out empty handed until a few nights ago he came back with his violin and everything has been worse since then" I exasperated.

Utau helped me calm down as she led me back upstairs to go to sleep. Ikuto laid silently on my bed as Utau closed the door behind me.

"Ikuto" I cried "didn't you promise me you wouldn't make me cry?"

The bed creaked as he slowly sat up with glossy eyes.

"Ikuto" I questioned as he ignored me and walked out the window.

"(Y/n)" I heard Yoru yell.

"Yoru?! Where have you been" I yelled.

"It's Ikuto. The old man is controlling him. You have to help him" Yoru yelled.

"I know where he's at! I'm going to go get him" I told Yoru as I jumped off my balcony.

I ran to the amusemt park somehow knowing he'd be there.

"IKUTO" I yelled as I saw him but was immediately startled when I saw a black egg floating next to him.

That is not his.

"My own heart" he whispered "unlock!"

I can hear it. His cries for help. His pain, I can feel it in every inch of my body.

"Character transformation Death Rebel" he said as he held his scythe high up in the air and attacked me.

"Ikuto" I screamed as I jumped back and tripped to the ground.

I rolled away from Ikuto before he could hurt me.

"(Y/n)! That violin it's sucking the life out of him" Yoru yelled as I gritted my teeth.

"Ikuto! Pull yourself together! It's me! Do you know who I am" I yelled as I continued to dodge "Ikuto please remember me! Ikuto please wake up!"

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