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Who the hell is this?

"(Y/n)" Utau yelled trying to stand up on her own but Ikuto held her back.

I clawed at the mans arm. I grew a tad bit angry causing my hair to burn into bigger flames, burning the man.

He grunted while letting go of me.

"Fool! Don't let her escape" I turned to the source and saw the director giving the command.

I felt a tad bit hurt that he would attack me causing me to lose my guard leading to another man grabbing me careful not to touch my burning hair.

He got what he wanted. He's gotten me, the embryo.

I turned around and head butted the man hard and jumped making sure to high kick the man, who grabbed me, in the face and gracefully landing on top of a lamp.

I heard something like a sniper shoot and being injected in me. I looked to my side and pulled out a needle. Sleeping dose?

I struggled to keep my balance on the lamp pole. I accidentally slipped but held the pole with all my strength. I struggled to keep my eyes open. I can't! No! I won't give in! I pushed away with all my strength and sent myself to a building of a wall now crumbling from the impact I made with it. I saw a few other men race towards me.

The men stopped and I struggled to get up.

"Get to safety! We'll take care of them" Tadase yelled as the rest of the guardians stood beside him.

Ikuto walked up beside me with a limping Utau leaning on him helping her walk. Ikuto gave me a hand, but I reached for Utau.

"I'll take her to safety" I whispered as I imagined my room and we were immediately teleported but I was knocked out cold.

I woke up to the chirping of birds. I opened my eyes slowly to find a sleeping Utau beside me. I recalled the events of last night and a headache soon formed. Great. I slowly got up and stretched. For some reason I feel great like I can sprint a five mile. Probably a side affect from awakening.

I looked under the covers checking to see if Utau covered up her wound. She was clean. Wait she's wearing different clothes and I am too. Wonder who changed us.

I heard the door knob slowly creep open and I jumped off the bed holding my hands up in a fighting stance, but lowered my guard down as I realized that it was just Yuu. I smiled innocently back at him as he looked at me sternly with a hand on his hip. Boy am I in for it today. Then unexpectedly he reached down to hug me.

"I'm glad your safe" he whispered as I too returned the hug.

"Yuu" I said as my eyes watered and I let a tear roll down my cheek.

Once our touchy moment finished I noticed Utau was awake. As she smiled at me I smiled back and took a seat next to her on my bed.

"Embryo" Utau questioned "also I already told Yuu what happened. You've been knocked out for 6 days and he grew suspicious when I wouldn't let him in the room."

Wow. 6 days is a long time.

"Yes I'm the embryo apparently. The one who's known to grant every wish imaginable" I said as I looked at Yuu who was thinking while looking at the floor "I honestly don't know what else to say. I too barely found out that night when Lu confirmed it... by the way where is she?"

"We haven't seen her ever since you transformed with her" Utau said softly as Yuu let out a long exasperated sigh while rubbing his temples.

"Well the project to making the embryo is almost complete. I'll give the boss that so that way he could lose interest in you" he explained his plan as a wide smile got plastered on my face.

I leaped at Yuu and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you Yuu" I yelled happily.

I smiled at Utau and launched at her engulfing her into a hug. She squealed as I tickled her and then wrapped myself around her.

A week has passed and I haven't been outside since the incident. Easter is still looking for me so Yuu and Utau thought it was best to stay in and keep a low profile for a bit. Utau has been by my side the whole time keeping me from going insane. I haven't talked to Ikuto, but Utau has been keeping up with him and the news she's told me have broken me multiple times. Amu and him have been growing closer and he's kissed her. I can't believe I let myself fall for him I should've known I was just a toy to him. It honestly hurts. He was the first boy I've ever felt those kinds of feelings towards to. Utau made sure to buy buckets of chocolate ice cream for me the next day and I immediately drowned myself in them.

Yuu and Utau thought it would be nice if I got some fresh air so today Utau and I wore disguises to meet up with Yuu so we could go shopping. After all shopping is a girls best friend.

I walked inside the ballet studio and we passed by a girl who looked depressed.

"It was all for nothing..." I heard her whisper while crying.

"Hmmm... found you. The girl with a heart egg I can't see" I heard Yuu whisper evilly as I looked at her.

We followed Yuu and the girl outside. He's going to change her. No. This isn't right.

"Go! Break everyone" he commanded.

Please stop doing this Yuu. I fell to the ground on my knees as a pain in my chest grew and tears streamed down my face. Utau tried consoling me and shushing me so Yuu wouldn't notice us.

"...another x egg" I heard Yuu say but kept on spacing out.

It broke the glass to the studio and inside I saw Amu and Yaya. Amu and Yaya quickly purified the x egg. A rush of relief and positivity went inside me and I grabbed Yuu along with Utau and escaped the scene before we got caught. Amu heard us escaping so we ran, but I stumbled a few times making me fall behind.

"WAIT" she yelled as Yuu stopped to listen to what she had to say.

I stopped with Utau and looked back at him pulling my handkerchief up higher so Amu wouldn't recognize me.

"You're part of Easter aren't you? You made that egg into an x egg. I've decided. I won't let you get Embryo. Even if you make them into x eggs. I'll turn them all" she declared.

"We're looking forward to it Himamori-san" Yuu replied as he exited.

I stayed silent in place.

"I wish you the best of luck" I said sadly and opened the door.

"(Y/n)" she questioned before I could step outside.

A tear slowly slid down my cheek and I looked back sadly at Amu who looked confused. As I walked out I saw Ikuto in the background, but ignored him. The stunts he's been pulling with Amu are unforgivable. I will never let myself feel like them towards him again. I don't want to continue liking a guy who has someone to care for already.

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