Final Battle

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(Y/n) POV

Yuu told me to wait here patiently saying he didn't want me to get hurt. Utau agreed with him, but I argued saying I should go, but he tricked me. He told Utau and I he would take us and he said before we were leaving to pack a sandwich and some snacks since we hadn't eaten. Then I had an image of him fighting Amu, I knew he left without me. I turned to look at Utau and I noticed this was all planned.

"You tricked me" I said clearly hurt as she went to grab my hand, but I screamed "don't touch me!"

I ran out to the front of the house and saw his car gone.

"Curse you Yuu" I screamed while throwing the sandwich on the ground and smashing it with my foot.

I looked at the ground and was close to tears. Why did he leave me? A tear dropped on the ground.

"Why are you crying?" someone asked.

"Because Yuu-" I stopped myself from saying anymore and looked up at the person.

It was Ikuto! I glared at him and then I swung my fist at him which he blocked so I brought my leg to him ready to kick him, but he dodged that too.

"Amu" I gasped looking behind Ikuto which he turned around.

I took this chance to swing my legs at his making him fall to the ground.

"JK" I said sticking my tongue out and pushing my arm against his neck.

"What are you doing here" I yelled at him.

"I was just passing by till I saw you killing a sandwich" he said making be blush in embarrassment.

"Oh" was all I said.

"Have you been here this whole time" he asked while I released him.

"Shut up and leave" I said tiredly.

"Nikaidou...he's at this place" he said giving me a paper with an address on it and walked off leaving me confused.

Why did he give me this? Dammit those butterfly's in my stomach are returning! No. I can't... not him.

"Lu! Please if you can here me" I yelled "come back to my side again."

My heart began glowing as an egg came out, Lu's. She peaked out from her egg looking at me scared.

"You're not mad at me" she asked as I looked at her confused.

"Why would I be" I asked surprised.

"Cause I kept it a secret from you" she said softly as I facepalmed.

"I'm mad at you" I continued as she was on the verge of tears "for leaving me. I thought you would stay by my side and wouldn't leave me!"

She looked back up to me as I held out my hand for her to take. She quickly jumped out of her egg and engulfed me in a hug on my cheek.

"We have somewhere to be right now" I said looking at her seriously "Character transformation!"

We were able to make it to Yuu right on time.

"SHOOT! MY MACHINE" I heard Yuu yell while Amu just destroyed his machine with her rod.

"The energy of the x eggs is leaking" I yelled and Yuu turned to me.

Amu changed transformation with her Chara, but even her purifying spell didn't work.

"What? How" she yelled suprised it didn't work. There were too much eggs to purify for her. All of a sudden the eggs formed into another huge negative character while Amu kept on trying to purify them. I grabbed Yuu and ran outside with Amu following.

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