Save Ikuto

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I waited in the car as the guardians went in first since Yuu wanted to talk to me. I had Yoru go with them which was hard to separate him from Lu but he eventually gave in.

"You have to be careful (y/n)" Yuu said sighing "I really want to go with you."

"I already told you, you have to stay. If anything happens I'm sure you'll know" I told him.

"She's got me so she'll be fine, papa—" she said but quickly slapped her hands.

"Papa" I questioned as a familiar warm feeling surfaced again "Yuu—"

"Oh no! Look at the time! We have to hurry" Lu yelled as she dragged me out and I waved bye.

I got in with no trouble since they recognized me and asked if they saw elementary kids. They explained that they did in fact two groups. I figured after they used their Chara changes to help them get in after they wouldn't let them.

Lu said that they were all separating and we both sensed a lot of x eggs. They were splitting up to fight them.

"Lu! Character Change" I yelled as tiny wings appeared behind me and I pushed myself off the ground as I flew to the top of the tower stopping a bit once x eggs came into view. I hid from every one of them not wanting to cause a scene. I finally got to the top along with Amu and Tadase.

Death Rebel... the transformation with that mysterious egg.

I flew up standing next to Amu and Tadase who were on the floor all beaten up as I slowly walked to Ikuto.

"(Y/N)" Tadase and Amu yelled as Ikuto raised his scythe and then dropped his hand toward me swiftly, but stopped right at the top of my head.

I softly pushed away the scythe with my hands and continued walking.

"AMU" Yoru yelled "take this!"

I continued my focus on Ikuto who looked at me in pain and I felt that. The pain that he was in brought tears to my eyes.

"Oh my god... the Humpty Key" Ku gasped.

"Ikuto" I whispered, but then he pushed me back with his hands as I rolled on the ground.

"Get... back" he stuggled to say as I looked back up at him.

But something bright caught my attention.

"She has the Humpty Lock too" Lu yelled as I started becoming curious what her fascination with those trinkets are.

(Y/n)! That key and lock hold your memories!


Amu unlocked it as a bright light enveloped us. The world of memories...

"What?! Where are we" Amu panicked as I looked around.

"The world of memories" I answered as we came close to a hall "Ikuto's hall of memories now."

Ikuto's memories were shown to the guardians as we silently watched. The Humpty Ley and Lock laid on the ground right in front of us. I quickly ran to get it as Amu chased after me.

"That's mine" she yelled as I picked them up and Lu and Yoru were by my side.

I ignored Amu as I turned my back to her and walked off as we slowly came back to the real world. Ikuto's scythe was right in front of me as I let it slice through my side stomach. He stopped looking at me terrified but then held his head struggling to win the battle inside of him.

"Ikuto" I yelled as I fell on him and hugged him tightly with the key and lock in my hand "I love you..."

I want to take your suffering away, Ikuto...

I pulled out from the hug and kissed him as a bright light wrapped around us.

I wish you were free.

With that I felt the evil in him slowly disperse as he kissed me back holding onto me closely as if I would leave.

"I love you too" he whispered as we pulled out from the kiss and let ourselves transform.

"Character transformation Seven Seas Treasure" Ikuto yelled as I smiled at him.

"Open my True Self! Transformation Infinite Dream" I yelled as my true transformation appeared (pic @ top).

I held onto Ikuto's hand as he smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Together" I said softly as he nodded.

"... May true love set you free" we both yelled as we pointed to the x eggs and a bright light escaped us as they all became purified.

I saw the shining egg who's owner threw away their dream. That boy was right in front of us staring at it. His whole story played inside me by that egg, it showed me his story.

"Your dream, you threw it away" I said as I got closer to him and he glared at me.

"Glares don't work on me" I smiled as I crouched down to his level.

"You know, no matter how many jewels you collect your heart will never be filled up. Objects can never bring one true happiness, they can only be symbolic. But feelings... feelings are pretty valuable that's worth over a thousand diamonds" I told him as he stared at me on the verge of tears.

The egg flew down to me as I held my hand out for it to lay on.

"Hikaru, your egg has told me quite a story about you and do you want to know it's wish" I asked him as he nodded "to be reunited with his owner."

Those were my finally words as the egg floated into Hikaru's heart as he glowed while floating and the director became worried. I caught his body once his heart was inside him and then Hikaru immediately burst into tears.

"There there... it's going to be alright now" I cooed as he clung to me hugging me with his small body.

His cries echoed through the night sky as Tsukasa explained to the director how he never let him be happy.

"Hikaru..." the Director said as I pulled away from the hug and he looked to look at him "I'm sorry!"

He brought him into a hug as he continued to cry more. Then someone's warm arms wrapped around me as I leaned in.

Realization hit me that I still had the key and lock in my hand. I looked down at it as I turned to face Ikuto.

"Ikuto this lock and key can help me recover my memories but I feel like a lot of people we already know are in them too" I told him as he looked at me softly and caressed my cheek.

"Let's open it together then" he said as I nodded happy I'm not alone.

He held the lock as I softly held the key and pushed it into the lock and slowly turned it right when Yuu ran next to me and stars came shooting out from the lock...

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