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"Let's open it together then" he said as I nodded happy, I'm not alone.

He held the lock as I softly held the key and pushed it into the lock and slowly turned it right when Yuu ran next to me and stars came shooting out from the lock...


The World of Memories engulfed us. The warmth of the stars lighted up our bodies as memories came flooding back to me—to us. Once fully processing back our memories we were placed softly back on the ground.

"(Y/n)! Are you alright" Utau said coming to help me up.

I looked around trying to find Yuu and saw him right there on the ground. Once we made eye contact my eyes began to tear up.

"Papa" I yelled as I launched at him in a hug.

"Papa" everyone besides Ikuto and Yuu yelled.

I let go of Yuu as Ikuto came to help me up.

"Yes he's my father" I said softly as he nodded sighing softly.

"My mom died around the time after I lost my memories" I explained to everyone "she didn't approve of Ikuto and I's relationship. She was a scientist and thought it would be ok to experiment on her only daughter. She wanted me to forget about Ikuto, but she ended up erasing all of my memories. What she didn't know was that I had special powers. So when she erased my memories of everyone it was like I never existed to all the people I had met. Something inside of me sparked and made everyone else forget about me."

"So we went on our normal lives without knowing that she existed until we met again. That feeling we felt for each other ignited once more" Ikuto said as he got down on one knee "(y/n), I don't want to wait anymore. After going through more than any other couple normally would I'm certain that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will never leave you even if I get annoying to you I will always stay by your side" he continued his speech while he pulled out a simple silver band "so (y/n) will you do me the honor in marrying me?"

It was like I forgot how to breathe during that whole speech he said out loud. All of a sudden my knees became weak and I fell to the ground again.

"...yes. Yes! Ikuto I love you" I yelled as I hugged him and then he pulled me away from the hug and gently pressed his lips onto mine kissing me passionately while he slipped the ring onto my finger.

"Yuu" Ikuto began as he held up his hand stopping him.

"You know I'm fine with it. I always have been" he said as I smiled at my father.

Utau hugged me congratulating me along with everyone else who just told me it since I'm not too close to them to hug them.

"Is there going to be a huge wedding" Yaya asked excited as I looked at Ikuto for confirmation.

"No, I think we'd perder a small simple one" I said as we smiled at each other.

"I'll start planning" Lu said "but first..."

She flew over to Yoru and grabbed him by the collar smashing her lips onto his. She pulled out with a loud smooch as Yoru had dreamy eyes and everyone laughed at how cute they were.

"What do you say getting married at the amusement park" I asked as Ikuto looked at me surprised, but then smiled.

"It'll be our new beginning" he said.

"A great one at that" I finished for him as he pecked my lips once more.

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