Amusement Park

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(Y/n) POV

I was walking back home from doing grocery shopping. I wore midnight blue jeans with a plain grey hoodie and black sunglasses with my grey sneakers. I had my (h/l) (h/c) hair tucked into my hoodie. In the distance I heard 2 girls say something that caught my interest.

"That was scary" one said while panting.

"You think that boy is going to be okay? I mean, we wouldn't have gotten away without him..." her friend said.

"He'll be fine. He was strong...and he was quick like a cat" she said.

"But I think those guys had knives" her friend said.

"Really" she questioned.

Then I saw a pink haired girl racing off in the direction the girls came from. Amu?

But a cat? I wonder what kind of person he is? A gentleman that's for sure since he helped those girls. I let curiosity get the best of me and went in the direction those girls had came from and Amu went running off to.

Then I came into an alley way and saw a panting blue haired boy with blood all over him. Amu stood next to him in shock. I almost dropped my bag, but quickly caught it and stood hiding from their sight. Will he be ok?

"Hey! Are you alri-" Amu stopped and yelled suprised "IKUTO!"

"Oh, it's you" he said sounding relieved.

"I have a name you know" she said while I bent down to him I saw Yoru licking his wounds.

"Amu please help Ikuto" Yoru pleaded and she nodded.

"Go away. You're annoying" Ikuto told her.

"Well I'm staying and helping you whether you like it or not" she said.

She put some water on a handkerchief she had with her and gave him the bottle and told him to drink it. He just kept on starring in another direction while she cleaned his wound on his left arm.

"You know how uncool it is to get in a fight and come out all injured? You really are like a stray cat" she said while sighing.

"OW" he yelled.

"Oh, sorry did I touch it too hard" she asked examining the cut closer.

"JK" he said while sticking his tongue out and pulling her closer by grabbing her arm.

I couldn't stand to watch anymore as I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket so I grabbed it and pulled it out. The caller ID said Yuu.

"Hi Yuu" I said happily making sure they couldn't here me.

"(Y/n) where are you?! It's late" he scolded me.

"Don't worry I'll be home in a little bit. I was making sure a cat got the help it needed" I said.

"Ok" he replied while he hung up not knowing that it was Ikuto who I was referring to as a cat.

"Why are you doing this" I heard Amu ask which caught my interest "why do you keeping flirting with me even though you know you like (Y/N)-san?"


I looked to Ikuto who wouldn't give her a responce.

"When are you going to be honest with your feelings Ikuto" she asked angrily.

"Let's go" Ikuto said annoyed while getting up.

"Hmm where" she asked.

"Your house is this way right" he asked as she followed.

Should I follow them to make sure they get home safe? Yea I should. I followed them and noticed he was taking the shortcut towards my house which was a route for cats so I went through it easily, but I saw him take a wrong turn.

"Do you know where you're going" Amu asked curiously.

"I know where I'm going" he replied.

I followed them then it turned really dark since the stars and moon faded so I wasn't able to see clearly.

Then the lights turned on and I noticed they were at an amusement park.

"Wow! So sparkly" Amu said in awe "I never realized there was an amusement park right here."

"It's going to be torn down soon" Ikuto said boringly "If I throw the breaker, it runs for a short period of time. It's a really short period, though."

"Then what are we waiting for" she yelled excitedly while she rode a few rides with their Chara's.

Meanwhile I decided to call Yuu.

"I'm going to be late, but don't worry I'm fine. Amu is just out late so I'm making sure that she gets home safe without her seeing me" I said and hung up without listening to his response.

I saw them inside a teacup and listened as I sat on the cold ground.

"This amusement's going to be torn down. It's going to end" he said looking off into space with a poker face.

"I came here for the first time today. So no matter how many days this park has left today it's the beginning for me" Amu whispered "so Ikuto you should make today the beginning, too and don't be afraid to do the things you want to becuase I'm sure (Y/n) will accept your feelings knowing your a good guy."

After saying that the lights turned off.

"It stopped. The breaker went down. Let's take you home kid" he said.

"Yeah" Amu replied smiling sadly.

Ikuto walked her home and after dropping her off I left on my way home too.

When I walked in Yuu scolded me for being out so late and I told him the exact truth and he became quiet not saying anything so I left to my room. I locked the door wanting some privacy and walked to my shower. I took a 10 mintue shower washing every inch of my body and scrubbing my hair and got out with my black bra and underwear topped with my fluffy white robe and my wet hair.

I heard Yuu on the phone with someone, but I ignored it. I walked to my window and went out leaning on the fence built around it so I don't fall. I starred at the sky mostly the moon and admired it for its beauty with a sad smile. Before I realized it I was crying. I stared off into the sky just letting the tears fall as I closed my eyes.Then out of no where I felt a gentle finger wipe away my tear. I opened my eyes surprised to see him.

"Ikuto" I whispered.

"(Y/n)" he responded.

I broke out into a laugh as more tears came "what are you doing here?"

"Is that really all you have to say after not seeing me for weeks" he asked.

"Ikuto I have to tell you something" I said feeling like I'll never get the courage to say my true feelings again.

It's hard lying to myself.

"Let me go first" he said as I nodded.

"(Y/n)... I" he said but cleared his throat "I like... you" he said blushing a bit and looking the other way.

I looked back at him amazed "I like you too!"

We both looked at each other and I cried even more.

"Why are you crying" he said with a hint of panic in his voice.

"I'm happy... really really happy" I said wiping away my tears as he brought me into a hug.

I felt him kiss the top of my head and I told him to come inside since it was cold and I was getting sleepy from all the crying.

He hugged my torso as soon as we hit the bed and I hugged back. I laid my face on his head. I wonder what shampoo he uses, it smells good. Somewhere in the night I felt hands go through my robe and hug my bare skin, but I paid it no mind. I slept soundly with no nightmares. I slept peacefully.

This was all too good to be true.

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