Chapter 4: Did I stutter?

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"What are you doing?!" I say angrily while yanking my arm away from Harry and we both stop walking. "You made me miss my bus! Now what am I going to do!" At first I was angry, now I'm starting to mildly panic because now I'm stuck here because of him.

"I didn't make you miss it. You chose to." He continued aimlessly walking like he didn't do anything wrong.

"Yeah because grabbing someone's arm and forcing them to not move is their choice," I say while crossing my arms.

Harry stopped walking and pondered on this for a moment. "Yes, yes it is," he said and continued slowly walking with a smug look on his face.

What is wrong with this guy?! I'm so upset right now. I stomp my foot and ball my fist up at my sides. Now I have to go sit and wait for hours until my parents get off of work to come pick me up!

Stupid Harry is still walking like he has no care in the world, which he clearly doesn't! The halls are all clear of other students now, everyone went home like where I should be right now but nooooo, thanks to someone I'm still here.

I stomp pass Harry, make my way outside the front of the school and sit on a curb on the side of the road placing my backpack next to me on the ground. I pull my phone from out of my bag to call my dad because he's more likely to get off work before my mom since he went in earlier than her but him being a dentist you just never really know his schedule.

As my thumb hovers over my dad's contact name I go to press on it when I hear foot steps approaching me.

"Come on." I hear Harry's delicious sounding deep- I mean his annoying voice say. He walks straight pass me not even looking at me.


"Did I stutter? I said come on, I'm taking you home." He continues walking to the parking lot still not looking back at me. He just expects me to follow him so easily, who does he think I am? Some desperate hussy?! I'm not Kendall and Eleanor.

I stay seated on the curb and dial my dad's number. I'm not going anywhere with this guy I just met only 7 hours ago!

"Hey bud, what's up?" My dad says when he answers his phone.

"Dad, I missed my bus. Can you come pick me up please?" I said hopefully.

"Sorry Louis we're very busy here today. Your brother and I won't be off for another few hours."

"It's okay, I'll call mom."

"Actually, mom called me and told me she will be home late today."

"So what am I supposed to do? Sit here and wait for hours!" I exclaimed.

"You can't ask anyone for a ride?"

"Dad there's no one here! Everyone else went home."

"Take an Uber then-look bud, I gotta go there's a patient here who needs immediate help," he says with urgency. "OW PLEASE GET THIS FUCKING TOOTH OUT MY MOUTH! IT HURTS SO BAD! OH THE PAIN! THE PAAAAIIIINNNN!" I hear a patient dramatically yelling in pain in the background.

"Wait dad I have no money for an Uber!" But I was too late he already hung up. Fuck my life what am I gonna do now? I stare down at my shoes glumly and kick a rock that's near by my foot.

Suddenly I hear a car coming towards me. I look up to see an all black Range Rover with black rims and tints so dark you can't see anything inside of the car, coming into my point of vision. The car stops right in front of me and the window on the passengers side rolls down.

"Get in the fucking car Louis," Harry's voice booms out of the window.

"No," I say while pouting, crossing my arms and looking away from his car.

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