Chapter 6: What's on your mind, princess?

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After we both finished eating Harry paid for our meals, I told Sherry it was lovely meeting her and she told me the same. She also told Harry 'you better not mess this up', whatever that means. Harry kind of ignored what she said, smiled then just kissed her on the cheek and told her he'd see her on another day. He held the door open for me when we left out the restaurant. He even opened the car door for me and helped me climb into the car. Why is he treating me like this? I had thanked him for the meal when we were both settled in the car and his reply was, "It won't be the last," whatever that means.

We're currently in route to my house. The radio is playing some rock music softly in the background. There's some things on my mind that I've been dying to ask him while we were at the diner but I was afraid to. But my curious little mind needs answers now or I'm going to be up all night tossing and turning. I shift in my seat a bit gaining the confidence to ask him what's on my mind.

"You okay over there, angel?" He glances at me then looks back at the road. I guess he really is a people reader if he noticed something was wrong with me.

"Yeah," I say while looking over at him.

"What's on your mind, princess?" He says while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Nothing, just nervous about school tomorrow, is all," I say while looking at my hands and pulling on the bottoms of my sleeves. This isn't exactly a lie because I am nervous about going to school tomorrow.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, I'll be there," he glances over at me, smiles then pats my thigh. I'm going to need him to stop doing stuff like that. I die inside a little bit every time he touches me.

"Thank you," I say and flash him a smile.

"But, what else is on your mind?" He asks sincerely and puts his hand back on my thigh in an attempt to comfort me, but really it's just making me all hot and bothered. I stare at his bruised knuckles and how his hand looks so large sprawled across my thigh. "I know something is bothering you. Just tell me, and you better not lie to me or you'll regret it," he says while slightly tightening his hand around my thigh.

"It's were you all in the library today?" I questioned.

"Don't tell anyone but..." Harry paused, "we're in a secret library club," he whispers.

I snort, "Harry seriously!"

"I'm serious," he muses and I give him a pointed look. "Okay fine, we do business in there. It's our meeting spot."

"Why in a library of all places? And what kind of business?" I tilt my head in confusion after asking my questions.

"Because hardly anyone comes in there, it's quiet and gives us privacy. And for what kind of'll see one day, we have to stay on the down low and be careful with who we trust. But we kind of took over the library last school year and ran everyone away," he lets out a short laugh then his face turns sour, "expect for that one annoying pesky nerd who wouldn't leave, so I let him stay, only on one condition."

"And what is that one condition?"

"He's not allowed to have any friends," he lets out a loud laugh.

"Harry that's not nice. He seems nice. He warned me about you. So that's what he meant by, 'he won't let you,' when I asked him how he knew him and I wouldn't become friends! You are a huge asshole!" I try to scold him but he doesn't seem to care because he has a grin plastered across his mouth.

"I know!" He hysterically laughs, "being an asshole is so fun. The little bitch wanted to read fucking books so bad he got what he wanted."

"I shouldn't be friends with you, you're terrible," I scuff at him.

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