Chapter 16: Can I keep you with me forever?

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I wake up feeling groggy and like I've just been hit by 10 buses then ran over by a never-ending train. I slowly blink my eyes open squinting at the bright ass sunlight that's peaking through the curtains. Fuck me, I feel like shit. What the hell happened last night? Who's room am I in? Whoever it is, his room is messy as hell he needs to clean this shit.

I stretch my body out hearing some of my bones crack then sit up. I look down to see I'm only in my panties. Where the hell are my clothes?! And what is that dry crusty stuff on them? Oh that cum?! Omg I hope I didn't let some random guy fuck me last night! Ugh, stupid brain why can't you remember?! I quickly grab the closest thing to me, which is a soft blanket, to cover myself.

When I latch my hand around the blanket I accidentally grab onto the remote to the tv. Well, I thought it was a remote until I squeezed it harder to try to move it out of the way and heard a deep throaty moan come from under a bundle of pillows. I quickly let go of what I thought was the remote and snatched the blanket up and wrapped it around my body.

My eyes nearly fell out of my head when I saw that it was in fact not a fucking remote I was touching but someone's hard dick! No wonder the remote felt so huge! The guy isn't completely naked, he's wearing grey sweatpants but at the looks of it he's not wearing any boxers.

I shrieked and squirmed away when the body attached to the dick I just squeezed started to move. The tower of pillows covering the top half of the person's body starts to fall off revealing a very disorientated, groaning and shirtless Harry Styles. I release a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. Thank god it's Harry! Since I can't remember if someone fucked me last night I'm glad it was him if we did do anything.

"You scared the shit out of me Harry! Why aren't you wearing underwear?! And why is your dick hard?!" I exclaim.

"One, stop yelling I have a headache. Two, I like to be free and let my penis do it's own thing and three, because I was having this dream...about you," he said in his husky morning voice. I thought his voice was sexy before it's even sexier now.

"What was the dream about?" I asked curiously.

"I was fucking you..." he paused for effect, "...while you were twerking on my dick." He started laughing when he saw the expression on my face.

"Is this what you fantasize about Styles?" I said with a giggle.

"I fantasize about you all the time baby," he said moving closer towards me but I stopped him by putting my hand in his face.

"Don't come any closer to me until I brush my teeth and take a shower. I'm so gross right now," I said scooting away from him on the bed.

"Even when you look and smell gross you're still beautiful," he said fondly.

"The fuck kind of insult-compliment was that?" I ask appalled. Harry didn't respond he just snickered and shook his head. "That's why your hair is a mess and you got some bitch's lipstick on your face," I said rolling my eyes at the smeared red mess around his mouth. "Looks like she had fun trying to suck your blood too," I say motioning to the many hickeys covering his body. Lucky slut that girl is.

Harry snorts then wipes his mouth smearing the lipstick even more.

"Well, that bitch is you," he chuckled, "and my hair is a mess because you wouldn't stop pulling it," he said with a smirk.

"Impossible! My lipstick was kiss-proof," I said in disbelief.

"I kissed the fuck out of you. Your lil vampire ass even bit my damn lip drawing blood. It was so sexy, it's a shame you don't remember," his eyes darkened as he licked over his lips licking over where the cut on his bottom lip is.

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