Chapter 9: Do I have a little stalker?

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TIME SKIP: 3 months later; November 2017

Over the past 3 months nothing has really happened. Well I guess you can say Harry and I growing closer as friends is something. But that's really about it. He still picks me up everyday for school and takes me home. He has never been in my house or met my parents even though my mom always tries to convince me to bring him over. I haven't met his parents either or been to his house. He actually doesn't really talk about his parents that much. I've noticed he doesn't really like talking about himself. He practically knows everything about me though. I still feel like there's a wall he has up that I need to break through.

Sometimes when we get to school he'd walk me to class, then he'd disappear. When he comes back his eyes are half closed and bloodshot red. He also acts differently. I always ask him if he's okay and why are his eyes so red. His response is always that he's just tired and sleepy. But it's weird because when he picks me up at my house his eyes don't look red and he's acting normal. I just shrug it off because Harry is just weird I'll never understand him.

I did find out that he smokes bloody cigarettes!


Harry is walking me to our class, I walked into the classroom going towards my seat when I looked back to see that Harry wasn't following behind me.

"Are you coming?" I asked him.

"No, I'll see you next period," he said walking off.

Of course that made me suspicious, so I followed him, keeping my distance so he wouldn't catch me. He goes towards the back of the school and went through some door leading outside. He walks towards the woods disappearing through the trees, the dying autumn leaves crunching beneath his feet. I follow him as quietly as possible tip toeing around piles of leaves and twigs on the ground. I see him sit down on a fallen tree and pull a box out of his leather jacket. I couldn't tell what the box was at first until he pulls something out of it and puts it into his mouth. He takes something else out of his pocket then I hear a flicking noise, he puts his hands over the thing that's in his mouth, then pulls them away. Smoke starts appearing from what he's holding between his lips. It then dawned on me that he's smoking a cigarette when I saw him blow smoke out of his mouth. He also pulls a small flask, I'm assuming it has some type of alcohol in it, out of a pocket on the inside of his jacket and takes a swig from it.

"Do I have a little stalker? I know you're there," his deep, slow speaking voice startles me. He turns to look at me, "how long are you going to stand there and stare at me, hmm little stalker?"

I peek my head out from behind the tree I was hiding behind.

"You should be in class Louis," he said while taking another swig from the flask.

"And so should you, I didn't even know you smoked," I said walking towards him, "you're skipping class to smoke and get drunk?! Don't you know smoking can kill you Harry?!" I scold.

"I only do it when I feel like I want to die," he said looking up at the sky. He took another drag from the cancer stick and blew the smoke out.

"What? Why do you want to die?" I asked no longer angry at him after hearing him say that.

"I don't know, many reasons that I don't feel like talking about," he said while taking a swig from the flask.

"Harry," I said sympathetically with a look of pity.

"Don't fucking look at me like that, princess. It's okay, I'll be okay eventually," he said while blowing out more smoke. "Just don't you ever start smoking, okay?"

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