Chapter 45: Are you cheating on me?

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(A/N: I'm sorry for this psychological messed up fuckery you're about to read I promise the next chapter won't be so fucked up)

⚠️‼️MAJOR WARNING‼️⚠️: smut, abuse and attempted rape🚫

"Baby, wake up I got you some food." I hear the most beautiful masculine voice whisper to me. My body shakes as he attempts to wake me up by shaking me, causing me to groan and roll away from his hand. "It's your favorite...Chipotle!"

"'M not hungry...'m sleepy...meanie Harry made me cum too much..." I mumble in my sleepy state.

Harry releases a deep chuckle then says, "angel you need to eat, you haven't eaten all day, you can go right back to sleep after you eat I promise."

I feel his soft hand grab onto mine and I feel his soft lips begin to pepper little kisses all along my exposed arm and up to my face. I attempt to lazily slap him away from me, but it doesn't work. He only chuckles and continues to kiss on my skin. "Come on love, sit up," he said as he pulled on my arm.

"Fine," I groan and pout as I sit up, letting out a little yawn and look at him sat there with a bowl of my favorite ingredients mixed together in his hand.

He feeds me because I'm too lazy to move and my arms are still sore from being tied up. After about 3 bites I'm ready to go back to sleep, so I push his hand away when he brings another forkful of food up to my mouth.

"No more, I want to go back to sleep now," I mumble sleepily.

"No, baby you need to eat more. I'm not going away until you eat at least half of this bowl," he said sternly.

I pout and huff, but obey him and continue eating what he feeds me. After awhile I begin to feel full.

"My tummy is full now, thank you for the food daddy," I said while rubbing my expanded tummy. He takes my hand off of my stomach and replaces it with his.

"No, you're not full enough, here just a few more bites, please?" He begs.

"Harry, no, I'm finished! What is your obsession with trying to make me fat!"

This isn't the first time he has forced me to eat. He does this thing when I'm finished eating, he'll rub my bloated pudgy stomach and kiss it like a weirdo.

"I'm not trying to make you fat," he chuckles, "and you're not fat, you're beautiful," he says making me blush.

He then touches my pouty stomach and rubs it gently. Wait, I think I know what's going on here.

"Wait, I know exactly what you're doing! You're trying to fatten me up so I look pregnant!"

He smiles at me and chuckles, then kisses my full tummy.

"You caught me," he snickers and kisses my tummy again. "It's so cute, look at it Lou!" He exclaims and stuffs his face into the rounded area.

"All I see is fat, you weirdo," I say with a smile. He's so adorable. "Move, so I can go back to sleep, silly boy," I say letting out yawn.

"I wish I could really get you pregnant," he says wishfully.

"Sorry baby, gimmie kissy," I said puckering my lips.

He gives me a big kiss emphasizing the 'muah' sound, then he tucks me back into bed and tells me that he loves me and that he'll be downstairs with the boys if I need him.


I've been laying in bed tossing and turning for minutes now and I'm getting frustrated because I want to go back to sleep, but I just can't. Ugh. Maybe if Harry was here to cuddle me...

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