Chapter 58: HE'S IN A FUCKING COMA?!

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Harry's POV:

Just when I thought the helicopter wasn't going to make it, I begin to hear the helicopter propellers coming from outside of the motel room. Oh thank God, my baby is going to be okay! I carefully lay his unconscious body down on the bed and force myself to stop crying. I haven't been able to stop crying. I've just been sitting here holding him in my arms and sobbing into his chest.

I press a gentle kiss to Louis's red lips, and they're not red because of lipstick, they're red from his blood, and then I carefully lay him down on the bed. I wipe away my wet tears with my blood covered hands, plaster a scowl on my face and run to the door to open it.

As soon as I open the door I see the helicopter landing in the empty parking lot. The only cars here are mine and the dead motel worker. I'm so glad the motel is the only thing in this area. There isn't any other sign of living for another couple of miles.

As soon as the helicopter lands, the medic team, which consists of four medics, two males and two females, hop out of it with their gear and a gurney and hurry over to me. When they all reach me they all have the same look of horror on their faces when they see that I'm covered in blood.

"Sir, where are you hurt?" One of the female medics ask me as her eyes quickly examine my body.

"I'm fine, this isn't my blood," I said which made them all look at me with wide eyes. "It's Louis who's hurt. You have to hurry I don't think he has much time, his breaths are really shallow," I say as quickly as possible and move out the way so the medics can go in the motel room.

They all gasped at the scene before their eyes. The battered and beaten dead body of the motel worker lays slack on the wall, blood coats the walls like a fresh paint job, and then there's my poor little Louis, laid out on the bed like a dead corpse. Just looking at him makes me want to burst into tears, but I have to suck it up. I can't let people see me vulnerable. People see weakness and try to use that to their advantage.

Three of the medics go over to Louis and start doing their job.

"What happened here?" The male medic who isn't doing his fucking job asked me. "Did you do this to Louis?" He said as he looked down at my bloody hands.

"Stop asking me fucking questions and go do your fucking job!" I raised my voice at him which made him scurry over to Louis and the other medics.

"Sir, there's been a lot of head trauma and his breathing is barely there, we have to hook him up to an oxygen mask. We have one back in the helicopter."

"So is he going to be okay?" I asked hopefully.

"Uh..." They all gave each other this weird ass fucking look like they were afraid to tell me something.

"I swear to fuck if you guys don't fucking fix him, you all will end up like that guy over there," I threatened while pointing over to the dead body of the motel worker.

They all visibly gulped and with a shaky voice one of the female medics spoke up.

"Sir, there's not much we can do here. We need to get him back to the facility. We need to do a MRI scan on him to see what's going on in the inside of his body."

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for?! Get him on the fucking gurney!"

As the medic team is preparing to move Louis's body, the leader and head member of the clean up crew comes rushing into the room.

"Talk about a Code Black," the crew member said as he examined the damage in the room.

"Where's the rest of the crew?" I asked the leader.

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