Chapter 29: You got any, uh, drugs?

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"Aye! Buddy!" Zayn stepped in between us and shoved Dave back. "He said he doesn't want to take the fucking pill so you can take it, shove it down your own throat and leave him alone!" Zayn shouted standing up for me. "Come on," Zayn said to me then gently grabbed my arm and dragged me away from that disgusting man.

"You can have the slut!" I heard Dave yell as we walked away.

"Fuck off!" I turned and shouted back at him. I also stuck my middle finger up at him, my red nail polish glistening in the club strobe lights as I held my finger up high.

"You okay?" Zayn asked me when we got far away from Dave.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered still a little shook up.

"You sure?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm good. I just hope everyone isn't like him."

"They won't be," he reassured.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

"He's up there," he gestured to the ceiling.

"What?" I looked up with confusion.

"You can't see him," he chuckled, "he's up in a secret room that we use to watch people. He's watching us right now. He's fuming. I heard him going off in my ear piece. Hold on..." he said as he lifted his watch that looks like the same one Harry was wearing. "Everything is good boss, he's fine. We made a sell." He said into the watch.

"Can I talk to him?" I asked hopefully.

"No, not right now. He doesn't want to distract you. So, get back to work. You did good on your first sale." Zayn praised me then disappeared into the crowd of dancing people.

Why come I don't get one of those cool watch gadget thingys or an ear piece so I can communicate with Harry and the other gang members? Anyway it's time to get back to work. I need a new game plan. I need to quickly get these guys to the dealer so they can get away from me. But, how? As I'm in deep thought trying to figure out a strategy a guy comes up to me.

"Was that guy your boyfriend?" The tall blonde man says.

"No," I said.

"Good, I still have a chance then," he said with a wide smile then took a sip of the alcoholic beverage he was holding in his hand.

That is hilarious! He really thinks he has a chance with me. That's cute.

"What's your name gorgeous?" He smiled.

"Do you want to just buy me a drink then fuck me?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"What? N-no," he literally choked on his drink as he answered my blunt question.

I glared at him because I knew he was lying.

"Maybe," he sheepishly confessed.

"Let's go to the bar," I suggested then started walking towards the bar with him in tow.

He orders me a drink from a different bartender than last time. This one is a female and she has the gang tattoo too. She makes sure she places the drink in my hand and not the guy's. This drink is fruity. I like it.

"So, you're not going to tell me your name?" He asked.

I stay quiet ignoring his question and sipped my alcoholic beverage through the straw. I look around and see Niall is standing near by. Yay! Time to get rid of this creep.

"Ah, a mystery. I love it. Well, I'm Chad," he said as he took a step closer to me.

I took the opportunity to lean up to talk close to his ear so he can hear me over the loud music.

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