Chapter 41: Did you like kissing him?

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A/N: I'm Kellic af so yeah I added a lil Kellic and if you don't know who Kellic are then it's Kellin Quinn and Vic Fuentes I just wanted my two fav ships to be together in a story and I will be modifying their height Vic will be 6'ft and Kellin will be 5'6

⚠️WARNING⚠️: I'm sorry y'all but some serious physical and emotional abuse is about to go down

We arrive at a club called The Veil. Harry drove around to the back of the club because he said he didn't want to be seen.

"You're known around here too?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"I'm here on some business shit," he said as he shut the car off. "The Veil's are an ally gang to my gang and it's best if I stay hidden in their territory. I'm not well liked by other surrounding gangs and they know Vic, the leader of The Veil's, and I are good friends. So with that being said, while him and I discuss business, you and Kellin can go have some fun together."

"Who's Kellin?" I asked with confusion from hearing the name I've never heard of before.

"You'll like him, but I should warn you that he's a little bit out there, so be aware he really gives no fucks and has zero filter on anything he says or does. He's very wild and sassy, but he kind of reminds me of you just a teeny tiny little bit so trust me I know you're going to like him."

"Uh, okay," I said uneasy. I'm not sure if I'll like this Kellin character. I might find him annoying, but Harry said I'll like him so I'll try.

We get out of the car and a guy in a nice black suit comes and takes the car keys from Harry. I assume he's going to hide the car somewhere safe, like the other guy does back home at Harry's night club. Harry laces our hands together and leads me into the back door of the club. I can hear the thumping of club music. It sounds dull because we're in the back and not out on the dance floor area. The lights are dimly lit and there's no one here except for a few security guards. Harry leads me up to an office where the club's headquarters is located. There's two big burly men standing outside of a door, blocking the entrance. I'm assuming this is the door we need to go through next. I cower behind Harry a little because big men scare me. I'm only 5'4 and 5'4 is considered short for a boy. Other men are like giants compared to me.

"Mr. Styles, it's good to see you again," one of the men greeted Harry as both men moved over so that we can enter the office when we were ready to.

"Good to see you boys too," Harry replied.

"Who's this lil cutie? You brought a snack for all of us to share?" The other man asked as he gawked at me looking me up and down and licked his lips hungrily.

"This is my boyfriend, Louis, so stop looking at him like that unless you want to be blind for the rest your life," Harry growled.

"Sorry sir," the guy quickly looked away from me.

Harry tightened his hold on my hand, then opened the door. I followed him into the dimly lit room. I stayed close behind him, hiding behind his back, so I can't see who's in the room yet. As soon as we walk in the room I immediately smell weed and alcohol. The people in the room excitedly greet Harry.

"Aw, did you boys miss me?" Harry joked with them.

"You know it's always better when you're here Styles," a male voice said.

"It's always better wherever I go," Harry scoffs.

"Still arrogant as hell, I see," a particular voice that sounded a little bit more high-pitched said.

I peaked my head around Harry's back to see a really pretty boy in a pink dress that's covered in diamonds. He walks over to Harry, then dramatically places a kiss on each of Harry's cheeks. Who is this bitch kissing my man?! The hoe catches a glance of me and starts squealing. "Is this my new best friend Louis behind you?! OH MY GOD! HE'S SO SMALL AND CUTE!"

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