6. Joey Should Die

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Joey was sitting in a table surrounded by all the other ladies who formed the Pentagon. The police officer and the ER doctor were also there. Daniel was secured in the ER room. The priest and Romi were guarding him. 

"Can somebody please explain to me what is going on?" Joey asked clutching his head with both his hands. 

"My full name is Pentheselia. I am an Amazonian witch. This is Hippolyta, my sister," Celia said. 

"A witch? Are you serious? How did you become the Dean of the hospital then?" Joey asked. 

"Joey, you are a witch too. Aren't you a successful businessman?" Hippolyta asked. 

"I am a witch too. I did not know till today," Nicole said. Joey looked at his mother questioningly. 

"And she is not just a witch. Your sister too," Debbie, his mother said. 

"My sister? Are you mad? You said dad left you when I was just two," Joey shrieked in anger. 

"He did. But, he did not go alone. He took you sister who was just a newborn child with him," Debbie started to say. 

"We belong to a long line of powerful witches Joey. Not just me. The ancestors of many of the most successful men and women today were connected to the sisterhood."

"Think of ourselves like a meta human or a mutant, like in the X-men movie," Hippolyta said, "we inherited special powers and extra intelligence since birth. It made us be more successful than other commoners."

"This was an issue from time immemorial. Kings, religious leaders and several others feared us. They did everything in their power to depict us as monsters to the public. Our existence was threatened and the we were forced to live hiding the powers," Debbie said. 

"Things changed as civilization grew. By 19th century the kings and leaders started appreciating our talent and invoked our service to help the public. People of our clan were great inventors, warriors and super spiritual," Celia said. 

"Sorry to interrupt your story. But, what does it have to do with the boy?" the police officer asked impatiently. 

"He was possessed. We used our powers together to contain him," Nicole said. 

"Is he cured now? Is the devil gone?" he asked. 

All the four witches looked at each other. "Is Daniel safe mother? Is he out of danger?" Joey also asked. 

"The spirits power won't work in the room," Celia said indecisively. 

"Like the detention room in that movie Sky High?" the police officer asked. 

"Does that mean it will try to kill him if he comes out of the room?" Joey asked perplexed. 

"'We confronted it inside the room. Daniel is just a vessel. It does not have anything to do with him. It wants to kill you," Debbie said. 

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What more secrets does Joey's ancestry hide? Will Joey choose to sacrifice himself to free Daniel? Keep reading to see Joey embark on the world's most interesting journey on a unicorn to find out the truth. 

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