23. The Nymph Forest

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"Hurry, now. We will figure out a way," Mushi said leading him through the Oakland. They took each step carefully, trying to avoid getting tangled. 

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice singing. 

We are running so fast

And we never look back

And whatever I lack, you make up

Joey turned back shocked. It was Daniel's voice. It was his favorite rhyme. He will keep humming it often. Daniel stood in the air with the same demonic look in his eyes. 

Daniel gave an evil smile

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Daniel gave an evil smile. "Think you can save this shit meat bag. Try now," he said and raised his hand. In a moment, he pulled down the huge cave like oak structure towering over them. 

Joey created a huge power dome surrounding them and Daniel. But, he could feel enormous weight crushing on him. 

"Joey, this won't workout. The Oak branches are the heaviest in the world. Even elephants cannot break them. Burn it all. We can escape," Mushi said. 

"No Mushi. The Oaklanders, they will die if I burn it. I won't do it," Joey said. 

"I know you won't," Daniel laughed again. 

"Joey, you will lose your strength. You can't last long. Do it," Ara said. 

"Never. I can't. I will die if I have to. At least I have my Daniel by my side," Joey said. 

"I won't give you that privilege," he heard Shooni talk from within Daniel and disappear. 

Joey heaved a sigh of relief. "Did you say that on purpose?" Ara asked surprised. 

"Yes. I want to save him at least. I couldn't watch him die," Joey cried. 

"Ara. You can pass through objects like wind. Get out of the power dome," Mushi said. 

Ara did as told. "Go to the Nymph forest and call for Arcas and Chrysopeleia. It is just beyond that turn. We have crossed nearly 75% of the Oakland," Mushi said. 

Ara ran away and Joey still struggled to hold his weight. He was using all his strength, the might of thousand elephants to hold the dome. The weight of the Oak was crushing on the dome. 

"One single branch can crush a mountain. It is so heavy. Your damn lover pulled down an entire cave of Oaks. I wonder how long it is before we die," Mushi said worried. 

"It was not him. It was Shooni," Joey said. 

"Is that very important now?" Mushi asked irritated. He looked up and smiled, "don't worry. I think the Oaklanders are trying to help us," he said. It was true. The Oaklanders trapped in the power dome with Joey were digging a hole in the ground and emerging on the other side of the power dome. 

The creatures in the fallen cave crushing the dome were coming down in haste. The Wee archer and his fellow squirrels were guiding them to a safe distance. 

"You can burn the Oak cave now. All the creatures have moved to safety," Mushi said. Joey did the same. He gathered the last bit of his strength and burned the oak cave. It turned to ash and Joey fell down exhausted, retrieving his power dome. 

"Joey, we just have 15 minutes more. Get up," Mushi nudged him. 

"I can't Mushi. I think I have lost all my strength," Joey said quite tired. 

"It doesn't matter now. Just get up," Mushi pulled him by the collar and walked. 

"Wow! You are mighty powerful for a vermin," Joey said. 

"You have become extremely weak idiot. You are lighter than a fruit," Mushi said. 

"I wonder where Ara went. Whom did you sent her to fetch?" Joey asked. 

"Arcas. He is another mad creature like you. He loved the tree nymph Chrysopeleia. It is believed the tree nymphs die if the tree is destroyed. Their souls are linked together. There was a major flood destroying the world. Arcas build a dam out of these oak trees and changed the course of the water, just to save Chrysopeleia. I thought he will cut down the oak trees and save us if he comes," Mushi said. 

"I already like him. See, people do impossible things for love. We both are going to be great friends," Joey said. He stumbled on a rope tied to two trees and fell down. A huge man held his sword to Joey's throat. 

"You unscrupulous human. How much damage will you cause? I am killing you now," he said trying to pierce the sword through Joey's heart. 

"Arcas, wait," Mushi commanded. "What makes you want to kill him? I send word seeking your help."

"Look there," Arcas showed. A huge machine with mechanical blades for hands was cutting down the mystical forest in great speed. 

"It is the spirit Shooni. It is uncontrollable. This human bought it here. And we are all going to die now," Arcas shouted. 

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15 minutes to go and no more superhuman strength. Will Joey be able to make it? Will he save Daniel? Or will he sacrifice himself in the process? How will this Journey for love end? 

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