24. Ara

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"Arcas wait. Shooni is just a spirit. The Dryads or tree nymphs are much stronger than it. They just don't know it," Mushi said. It turned to Joey, "Joey, create a bottle of high quality wine." 

Joey tried to do it. But, he was too weak. Nothing emerged out of air. "Joey, you only lost your superhuman strength. Magic was born with you. It is in your blood. Try again," Mushi asked. 

Joey tried again. The Wee archer and his mates told something to Mushi. "Joey, think of something pleasant. Think of that demon boy," he said. 

"Daniel," Joey corrected. 

"Yes him. Think about your dogs. Who will take care of them if you both die? They need you. Come on you can do it," Mushi said. Joey's eyes glowed. He tried hard and pulled out a high quality wine bottle from the air. 

"Fantastic," Mushi gave the bottle to Arcas. "Arcas, offer the wine to the tree nymphs," he ordered. 

"Are you mad? It will drive them crazy. Wine is the only forbidden item to be offered to the Dryads," he said. 

"Exactly. Don't you know what will happen if the tree nymphs turn crazy?" Mushi winked. 

Arcas let out a happy whistle, "you are a genius Mushi," he said and rushed away. 

"Joey come on. Create the other offerings. I am going into the jungle with Wee archer," Mushi said. 

"No. It is too dangerous," Joey said pointing to the machine weakly. 

"The Oaklanders know the oldest bark. They will lead me directly to it. I can enter the bark without harming it. I will bring the flower. You create the offerings and appease the remaining tree nymphs," Mushi said. 

"This is why God Akurath send you with me," Joey said giving a faded smile. 

"Yes. You are right. He knows everything. Try again. Create the offerings. Appease the nymphs. I will be able to enter the bark only if the surrounding nymphs are all kept happy," Mushi said and rushed away. 

Joey saw his watch. He had just 10 minutes. He gathered his last bit of strength and created a crown of flower and vine. He created a lamb, milk and oil. He kept creating more and more. 

"Mushi said there are a million trees. I need to create more and more," he thought. 

Meanwhile, Arcas had poured the wine as offering to the trees surrounding the machine Shooni had created. The tree nymphs came to life with utmost craziness offended by the wine. They shook the area with enormous strength. They spread their hair branch and danced like maniacs. They flung their branch hands and caught the machine on all possible sides. The machine was tore into a hundred pieces in one minute. 

The Dryads laughed crazily and continued to dance in their enormous tree forms.

Joey used his magic to transfer the items he had created to the root of all the trees in the jungle. "Now I have to pray. Offer it to each tree. God help me. I can't even move," he prayed. 

Someone touched his hand. It was the Sid like creature with the baby rabbits. It pointed him something. The Oaklanders were standing in front of each tree. They were praying for Joey on his behalf. They chanted the magical verses and requested the tree nymphs to take the offering and be happy. There was one creature in front of each tree. A million hearts joined together to help him. 

The offerings were taken one by one. The maniac laughter of the nymphs died and the whole forest turned angelic with happy Dryads thoroughly enjoying their gifts. 

Arcas came running to Joey, escaping the crazy nymphs. He brought Ara with him. 

"How did you do this human? I have never seen the mystical jungle this happy in a long time. This girl was caught between all the chaos. She said she was with you," Arcas said. 

"Yes. We sent her to fetch you for help," Joey said. Joey saw his watch. He had only five minutes left. Arcas helped Joey get up and walked him out of the Oakland jungle. They were standing in the entrance of the nymph forest. Joey's Unicorn came to him once he came out of the tangled forest. 

"Arcas, how do I use the flower to destroy Shooni?" he asked. "You need to perform the pentagon spell," Arcas said. Mushi came with the Lady Flower. 

"Where were you?" he asked Ara. "I got lost in the jungle. Arcas saved me from the mad tree nymphs," she said. 

Mushi nodded. "Joey. You only have four minutes more. I will transfer you to your realm. Just place the flower on Daniel. Shooni will be pulled out," Mushi said. 

"Thank you everyone. Thank you Oaklanders, Mushi and all the souls that had helped me throughout. I am indebted to you forever," Joey bowed to the jungle in common. Tears filled his eyes. 

"Joey. You are so weak. Can I come inside you?" Ara asked. 

"Yes. It will be better if you accompany me," Joey said leaning on her unable to stand straight. 

"It was an honor working with you human. Farewell. Succeed in whatever you endure," Mushi blessed. All the Oaklanders and the tree nymphs bid him farewell. Joey kissed his Unicorn lovingly, "roam free my friend. Help all the worthy ones in need," he said.  

Mushi waved its hand and Joey felt himself jolting in the elevator once again. The elevator stopped and he rushed out into the hospital veranda. His watch showed only two minutes more. Celia was waiting in the same place he last saw her. She clutched the flower from him and rushed inside. 

Joey walked slowly led by Ara. He reached Daniel's room. Debbie and Celia placed the Lady Flower on Daniel's chest and chanted. Everybody saw a great black figure being pulled out of Daniel. He woke up with a jolt. Joey rushed to him. 

"Danny," he kissed him all over. 

"What is this?" he heard Rumi shout. Joey turned to see Ara in a demonic form. Her eyes were white and she had horns. Joey was confused. Did Shooni get into Ara from Daniel?

 Did Shooni get into Ara from Daniel?

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"Joey, my poor Joey. How many times I told you will fail in your quest? Now I will get inside you and kill this meat bag and every single witch born. There is no killing me. I waited for this minute all along. I will possess the most powerful witch alive on Earth, you and fulfill my quest in a minute." 

"Ara what is wrong with you? Did Shooni get into you?" Joey asked perplexed. 

"I am Shooni you idiot. I was with you all along. I can take multiple forms at a time. I tried to delay you in every step. I prevented help. I tried to confuse you. But, you overcame everything. What will you do now?" she let out her trademark demonic laugh. 

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Joey is betrayed. What will he do now? He has no strength and no help. How will he save Daniel?

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