11. God Akurath

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"A God!" Joey gasped. At the same time, a smile appeared on his face. Every God can be appeased by giving them offerings. Witches in general were experts in acquiring various powers from Gods by giving them sacrifices. 

Joey closed his eyes and concentrated. "God Akurath, I seek your help to save my heir. What should I offer you in return for what I seek?" he meditated with a clear mind. 

The answers flowed to him like a tide. Joey opened his eyes. The lush entrance of the pyramid now looked like a graveyard. The whole area was shattered to pieces and black clouds surrounded the stairs closing it. 

"Shooni," he thought, "it should be following me. It is trying to close the path to reach God Akurath."

Joey summoned his Unicorn again and started riding on the stairs with blitzkrieg speed. He created all the things, that he saw in his vision to offer to God Akurath as they were travelling. A black tornado emerged from below and started to engulf them. 

Joey's Unicorn rode with its full power, penetrating the air. A monstrous bird started to peck on them with its bloody beak. Joey used his shield to protect himself and his cape to the protect his unicorn. 

He swayed his sword to attack the bird. The wounded bird shrieked demonically, creating a loud acoustic wave. Joey clutched  both his ears to escape the sound. His sword and shield fell down. He lost balance and fell from his horse. The bird opened it's beak to to engulf the falling Joey. 

The Unicorn pierced the bird in its throat, with its horn at the last minute. It tied the falling Joey in its tail and flew upwards. Joey gathered himself and started riding the horse again. He picked up his shield an sword tangled in the Unicorn's mane. 

"What a good horse you are. I am so proud of you. I will give you a great treat as soon as we get down," he talked to it. 

They had overpowered the bird. But, the tornado was still whirling madly trying to engulf them. It was as big as the pyramid itself. Joey whispered something into the Unicorn's ears. 

It stopped trying to escape the tornado and entered it. The Unicorn started to run in the tornado's path following the circles. It kept going upwards steadily like a circus motorist riding in a motordome. The tornado tried to crush it by making itself thinner and thinner from the bottom. But, Joey kept riding the Unicorn steadily upwards on the bigger circle. 

In a few moments they fell down at the top of the pyramid. The tornado disappeared. 

"We have reached the palace of God Akurath. Evil cannot enter it. That's why the tornado had disappeared," Joey thought. 

He knelt down and prayed wholeheartedly for God Akrurath to show himself. He felt the ground beneath him shake and his Unicorn let out a frightened shriek. Joey opened his eyes and saw the mighty God Akurath, with the power of million elephants peer down at him. 

He was taken aback for a moment

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He was taken aback for a moment. The God was gigantic. He was as big as million elephants joined together. He was half human with a huge elephant head. The God looked down upon him and roared, "what brings you here human?"

"My magnificent God, I seek protection for my child and....," Joey was clearly frightened at the huge figure before him. He stuttered unable to finish. 

"I have an offering," he said running to the Unicorn. Joey had created six things on his way to offer the God. The first one was a garland made of grass, God, Akurath's favorite item. 

Joey saw his terrified Unicorn munching on the garland unconsciously. "Great, emotional eating. He is scared and had eaten the grass garland," Joey thought. 

He pulled a bag in which he kept the other offerings, the Ladoos, bananas and Motak the favorite food items of God Akurath. The bag was empty. Joey had hanged the bag on the Unicorn's mane. The bag had been torn open by his sword, when it got tangled on the mane. All the food items had fallen down. 

He heard the God roar impatiently. Joey searched impatiently for the other two items he bought, a conch shell, whose music the God loved and the Erukku flowers. He couldn't spot them anywhere either. 

He searched like a maniac through the Unicorn's mane and found just one Erukku flower, instead of the huge bouquet he created. The flowers should have fallen off in the tornado ride.

He grabbed it and knelt in front of the God. He used his mimicry skills and let out a conch sound. He offered the single flower to him with tears in his eyes, "this is all I have Great God. Please accept my offering. I present it to thee with all my heart and soul. Help me save my child and my lover."

Joey was unsure what will happen next. He did not know whether his offering was worthy for such a mighty God. He did not know whether he had enraged the God or appeased him. But, he continued to pray sincerely with all his heart. 

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A Kudos to our Unicorn for saving Joey. Let me know what you think in comments. Will Joey get the blessing of God Akurath. What will he seek? God Akurath surprises him with an extremely unexpected gift. Keep reading to know who it is. 

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