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The tornado alert went off soon after every students' weather alert went off. The teachers hurried us to the safe rooms in the building. I hunkered down beside my friends. Some girl got pushed right into me making my wrist get crushed against the wall. The female teachers hunkered down with us as our phones went off again stating the warning.

The wind howled above the many screams from the teenagers taking shelter in the school. My lungs hurt from so much screaming. When we finally thought it was over it clawed again at us making us scream more. I finally gave up and huddled closer to the wall. After a few minutes of complete silence we were told it was safe.

I stood up pushing whatever was on me off. The school was almost leveled out. I helped my best friend out of the rubble and the rest of the girls. Several guys helped out. Once we were out we looked around. A paramedic team was already on the scene. My wrist hurt from hitting the wall. I walked over and sat on a fallen tree limb looking around at all the damage.

Two more paramedic teams and a group of doctors and nurses were there starting to walk around checking out what injuries the students got. My friends spotted me and sat down near me. We stayed pretty close since freshman year. Two doctors came over. They inspected each of us making sure we were alright. The one that checked me out said I could have a broken wrist.

I didn't question it knowing it might be true. I saw my parents pull up knowing they're going to take me with them. A teacher came over getting our names. She then said we could leave if our parents were here. I stood up and walked to my parents. They hugged me close knowing I could have been dead from it.

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