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I don't know who thought it was more funny, Knox, Caroline or Luke himself. Knox was holding my hand under the table as we ate breakfast. "Where did you find that shirt again?" Luke asked. "Made it at a printing store. The guy didn't ask any questions just fixed the shirt like this." I said. Knox squeezed my hand a silent way of saying he's having a fit over it. I squeezed back. After breakfast I helped Caroline with the dishes while Knox went to help his uncle with something.

"Oh. Don't mind him. He's just excited to see the nephew he rarely sees anymore. He was really hoping he'd come last summer to be here to help me with the boys, instead he said he had found this fiery young lady that he wanted to get to know better. Then thanksgiving he came for the day then had to leave that night to make it back so he could spend more time with her, didn't think he'd ask if she could come and actually meet us." Caroline said.

"Funniest thing is, that evening after the first day of school junior year he asked me what my name was and I refused to tell him for an entire week. Then we got into bad mouthing each other because we hated the brand the other drove and he said 'I've got ninety nine problems but my Chevy ain't one' so I asked 'who are you Ariana Grande?'" "And I answered with Luke Bryan. Then she said 'doubt it' then I made a deal saying that if I told her my real name she'd have to tell me her's. And here we are nearly one and a half years later." Knox said coming into the kitchen.

"Then October thirtieth this year will be the two year anniversary." I said. "Definitely right bout that." Knox said as Luke came into the kitchen. "Thought you were helping me and not your aunt?" He asked. "She was talking bout the first time I met her! I had to join the conversation!" Knox told him. I chuckled. "That honestly was the craziest way. And in the next class we had art, he sat down next to me and asked to be my art partner on some art class/school wide project." I said.

"Oh. That was the best. That was while the office was trying to stop the fights between most of the jocks and a few nerds while that one high school was being rebuilt after a tornado hit it during the spring." Knox said. "If they would have issued for us to finish out the school year there, the teachers wouldn't of been prepared for it." I said. "Probably would have hated each other more than when we did, good thing I've found a girl who likes classic vehicles. She doesn't care that I drive a Chevy." He said. "And he doesn't care that I drive a Ford." I said.

"Well. It never matters what you drive. As long as you get from point A to point B." Luke said. "Don't we need to get to Nashville to set up?" Caroline asked. "Yup. Get the boys and load up." Luke said. "Want us to take a separate vehicle or will we have to put the third row up?" Knox asked. "I'm not riding with the couple. Mom and dad are just fine by me." One of the boys said. "Alright. My truck should get there and back." Knox said. "It'll fit in too." Luke said. "I know it will. Classy town like Nashville has Classic cars traveling to and from everywhere." Knox said.

I had to grab my hoodie for later then we got into his truck. Knox pulled me to him kissing me before letting me scoot back over. "No middle seat riding?" He asked. "I would, but I don't want you to get pulled over babe." I told him. He kissed my cheek before following his uncle. "I think you feel more at home here than you do where I live." I told him. "I would move to Nashville, but I've got to say near you too." He said. "I could move here with you." I told him. "What bout your family?" He asked.

"My dad has been wanting a change in scenery and has been looking round Nashville for a place." I said.

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