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"Addison. Get up. It's your first day at this new school." My dad yelled from the kitchen. I dragged my butt out of bed and got on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. Then pulled my hair back in a headband after running a comb through the tangles. I grabbed my boots a hoodie and my binder before going to the kitchen for breakfast.

I poured myself a bowl of Chex and ate it quickly before brushing my teeth. My younger sister still had the middle school to go to so she doesn't have to worry about driving out of town. I grabbed the keys to my truck that I had luckily left parked in the carport that day and went out the door with my stuff. The mud covered vehicle was one my mom always told me to wash. Eh not that big of a deal if you look at it. Least there's not mud on the inside.

I got in being careful of my wrist. All summer I had to wear this brace so it could heal. Two more weeks until I get it off. I hit the highway driving towards this school. As much as I don't want to go to this school I have to. Once I found the turnoff I drove down the road. I passed the football stadium then saw the high school. Half of the parking lot looked brand new. I spotted some of my friends standing in a parking spot.

I pulled up and backed in with precision. Then got out after cutting the engine. "So what do you think it's going to be like today?" Maria asked. "Chaos." I answered. We went into the office and got our schedules. A group of boys came into the office as we were leaving. "Ooh fresh meat boys." One of them said. "Fresh my hide." I mumbled. We found our first classes easily and found our seats.

I sat down near the back of the room looking around. I then got a text from my mom saying to have a great day. I sighed slouching in my seat. "Ooh pretty girl likes camo." A guy said sitting down beside me. "Maybe this fall we can go out to my stand and hunt a little." He said. I knew what he really wanted. "Then we'd be alone and I'd rather not be alone with a guy. Especially after the last guy I was alone with he lost something very valuable to his life and can never got it back." I said.

He squirmed in his seat. Then a group of guys walked in straight for us. "Might wanna move up a seat sweetheart." He said. "It's the first day of school any seat is available." I smarted off. He looked hot under the collar already. I noticed something about all of them. They were all wearing something related to Chevrolet. Try saying that five times fast. One guy that had a Chevy ball cap came right up to the desk I was sitting in.

"Wanna move a seat up baby?" He asked. "Nope comfortable right where I am." I told him. "The seat in front of me is available though." I could tell he wanted to argue but gave it up. He was kinda cute. Blondish brown hair, clear blue eyes, a little stubble, he would be appealing if it wasn't for the ball cap. I should have worn my ford tough shirt today.

As the class dragged on I noticed the guys sitting around me talking and not paying any attention to the teacher. Every now and then I'd listen in on what they were talking about. I messed with my wrist brace tightening and loosening it over and over again. Once the class ended I looked at my schedule. Upstairs. I found the stairs and went up them. At the top I checked the room numbers before going the correct way.

I found the class and took my seat. Again here came at least half of the group from first hour and the guy I thought was cute. This class was cold. I put my hoodie on knowing it was my camo Ford hoodie. The guys didn't sit as close to me as they did in first hour. I guess that one told them what I said to him. I don't mind it though.

I don't want to be hit on by any guy since my ex. The one that asked his parents if he could move schools just so he didn't have to see my face. That is what I call pathetic. At the end of class I walked to my next one. I sat down in another seat propping my foot up on the back of the chair in front of mine. That same guy came into this class too! Does he have the same schedule I do?

Finally lunch hit and we all met up in the cafeteria. We got lunch and went outside under the trees. "Have y'all seen the group of guys wearing all of the Chevy stuff?" Ansley asked. "Yeah. I've got all my morning classes with at least one." I said. "Same here. Except not first hour." Maria said. There's five of us. I finished my lunch and saw we had forty minutes to kill.

"Wanna go out to our cars?" I asked. They all agreed. "So how close are you to revamping your f-100?" Callie asked. "Let's see. I've got to find a spark plug. I've got to install a new diesel tank. Put a new battery in it. I mean my parents wouldn't let me work on it this summer due to my wrist." I said as we got to my truck. Five vehicles in a row are Fords. From car to truck. I personally find it funny.

Across from us were six Chevy trucks new, old, and one classic. "Gee I wonder who owns those rust buckets." Georgia said. I chuckled. Maybe we could have some fun with this school year.

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