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Every one in the school got a ballot first hour. At lunch I went to pick up the papers so we could start counting. I hand to work this afternoon so I couldn't help count them out tonight. The guys really got a kick out of me working where they like to hang out after school. My friends said that they were going to meet me at my work after school. What they don't know is that their going to be counting and adding things for Knox and I.

I sat in the last class of the day with my girls sitting around me. Two jocks got into a fight in the middle of class and the principal had to come and escort them out with a police officer. That's the third time in five days that a fight has broken out in this class. Monday their holding an assembly over the situation. Once the bell rang our teacher held us back. "Remember. The next one to get into a fight in my room will have detention in my room for the rest of the school year." Mrs. Vence stated before letting us leave.

I ran for my truck jumping in and hitting the gas to get to my job. I got there a minute before my shift started. "Cutting it close today Addison." My boss said. "Sorry a teacher held us back in class." I said before going behind the counter. The guys were already here. My friends had just pulled up. The classic Chevy pulled in after my friends came in. Maria was sitting next to her boyfriend, the rest of the guys were trying to get at least on of my friends to sit by them.

Knox came in and straight to the counter. "Got the ballots?" He asked. "Yes. They are in the front seat of my truck in the passenger side." I told him. He went back out as I unlocked my truck letting him get them. I stood behind the counter watching and ringing up customers as they counted each one. When I went on my break I helped count some out before going back to work.

Once my shift was over at nine I noticed Knox was the only one left here. "Dude. no home to go to?" I asked jokingly. "More or less my dad. Its Friday night. He won't be home. I've got nothing better to do anyway." He said. I flipped the sign after clocking out. "Are you not going to stay anywhere like a friend's place?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"Nah. Probably stay out until three in the morning when I know he's passed out then leave before he gets up." He said. "My dad doesn't expect me home until midnight. We can goof off for two and a half hours or work on this project. If you want a place to crash my dad will still be up come midnight and be nice enough to let you crash on the couch." I said.

"Your something else." He said. "I've been told worse." I said. "Like what?" He asked. "C. A. B." I said. "C. A. B?" He asked. "Crazy. Arse. Biatch." I said. "Who would call you something like that?" He asked. "My ex." I said. "Let's get out of here so the law doesn't think we're breaking in." He said picking up the papers. We went out to his truck, him sticking the papers inside.

"So which vehicle?" He asked. "Does it matter?" I asked. He held the passenger door open wider for me. "If your not scared." He said. "Pulease the classics look too much like each other. I just have to pretend this is my f-100 back home." I said. He smirked as I got in. It definitely looked nice on the inside. He closed the door and jogged around to the other side.

"I guess a classic girl respects classic vehicles?" He asked. "If that's what your implying." I said. He drove out to the ridge near the train tracks. We both got out and sat on his tailgate going over the rest of the papers. I kept check of the time so we'd have thirty minutes to get to my house. After we had done the last paper I saw I had ten minutes before curfew.

"I can get you back quickly." He said. "I have work tomorrow." I said. "I'll drop you off too." He said. We then jumped back into his truck and he got me home with two minutes to spare. I unlocked the front door and took my boots off. "A minute early." Dad said from his recliner. "And not a minute late." I said. "Who's your friend?" He asked not able to see Knox very well.

"Art partner." I said. "Take your shoes off and come over here." Dad said. He and I both walked over to my dad. "You better not be hurting my little girl." He said. "No sir. After my buddies left I stayed behind working on our project. Then we both went up to the tracks to finish." Knox said. "Well it's too late to be out on the road without you being caught." Dad said.

"I told him he could crash here if he had to." I said. "Family issues?" Dad asked. Knox nodded. "Grab a blanket. My only rule is not to go into my daughters' rooms. Especially Addison's. You may sleep on the couch." Dad said. He then left the room. "He had a friend in high school that would crash at his house almost every night because of his dad." I said. "I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm almost a senior anyway."

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