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We stopped for the part and lunch. Luckily it was the right part and O'Reilly's let him fill it up there. Then grabbing lunch and on our way again. "Better baby?" He asked. "Yeah." I told him. I kicked back as he turned the AC on trying to freeze me out. I kept my legs above the cold air and wrapped in the blanket. "You'd be fine sharing won't you?" He asked. "What?" I asked. "The bed. I know we've fallen asleep in the same bed before just not exactly..." He stopped as if trying to find the words to say.

"As long as we don't get in trouble, it should be fine babe." I said. "Only rule from my uncle is, no sex." He said. "Well I know we can pull that off." I said. He chuckled. His phone went off in the cup holder. He grabbed it dismissing the call. "Dad?" I asked. "Yeah. He usually calls me when he can't find me." He said. "One thing I can say is to find a house and move into it." I said. "Halfway between family." He said. "Where exactly is that?" I asked. "Well it's nearly twelve hours between our town and where my uncle lives so... Maybe six hours from where we're going and six hours from where we live now." He said.

Two hours later we were in Little Rock, Arkansas. "I'd say this is halfway." He said. ""Not too bad." I said. "Not going to say anything bad, but I'd rather not be in Arkansas." He said. I sat up. "Wait are we heading towards Nashville?" I asked him. "Why?" He asked. "That is where we're heading isn't it?" I asked. He had a slight smirk on his face. "Well. My uncle is performing and I asked for two tickets so, how does spending the night with my aunt and cousins sound before we all head to Nashville?" He asked.

"Not bad." I said. We stopped for supper and bathroom breaks before getting back on. I fell asleep about two hours later curled up next to him. I felt like I was being picked up a little while later. I didn't hear anything except Knox's heartbeat. I felt him sit down before laying back. He groaned before rolling over. I curled up closer to him. He stilled holding me to him.


I lifted my head looking around. A room I didn't recognize, and a bed I was unfamiliar with. Knox was the only one that was familiar. He looked like he was lightly dozing. I put my head on his chest listening to his breathing and heartbeat. His arm curled around me holding me to him. I didn't oblige to cuddle up to him. He sighed before repositioning himself to his side still dozing. Yelling had me lifting my head. "Ignore them. The monsters don't care who's sleeping." He grumbled pulling me closer.

I dozed off in the warmth around me. Before I was totally asleep the door opened and Knox was able to stand up and wrestle three boys to the ground. He then carried all three of them out of the room and down a hall. I found a pair of sweat pants to put on with my tee shirt and followed behind. I watched from the doorway from the hall as he got down in the floor letting them wrestle with him. A deep hardy laugh made me look up from where my eyes were trained.

Luke Bryan himself was watching from another doorway as the four boys wrestled in the floor. As soon as Knox was able to get free from them he stood up moving out of the way. He had a huge grin on his face just by watching them. "Knox. Should have spent the night in Bellevue." Luke told him. "I know. Trying to sleep and these three won't let it happen. Drove till dark since seven took an hour for lunch to make sure the truck could get here, and stopped along the way for bathroom breaks. Talk bout tired." Knox said stretching.

His eyes caught mine. I blushed before he excused himself coming over to me. He snaked his arms around my waist holding me to him. "Sleep good?" He asked. I nodded against his chest. He started walking forward making me walk backwards. He then heaved me up into his arms. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He went into a room shutting the door with his foot. He put me on my back kissing my jaw up to my lips with one leg between mine and one of my legs between his.

"Guess we should get dressed for tonight." He said. "Still tired?" I asked him. "Not any more. Caroline is fixing breakfast and that's when the boys are going meet you." He said helping me to my feet. He handed me a pair of ripped jeans and a nice blouse. "Think these will look good baby." He said setting them on the bed. I found a bra and turned around to face away from him. I pulled the shirt off putting the bra on. The only problem was, I couldn't get it to clasp.

"Need some help?" He asked. "Please?" I asked him. His fingers took over. "Which one?" He asked. "The first one." I told him. "Which side?" He asked. "The one closest to my left arm." I said. He clasped it. "Is that right?" He asked. I had to flex a bit to make sure. "Yup." I said before applying deodorant and going to my bag getting out a shirt I had made just for the occasion. "Why not the blouse?" Knox asked. "Because this is cuter." I said pulling the shirt on.

"Oh my uncle would have a fit." He chuckled.

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