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Spring break

"Knox you better tell me now." I said sitting on the side of his truck while he was underneath the engine fixing something. "Ok. My mom's sister is married to one of Luke Bryan's brothers." He said. "That still doesn't explain your last name." I said. "You know how my mom and dad are split?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "She went back my father, a second cousin of Luke." He said.

"Meaning?" I asked as he came out from under the cab. "I took my father's last name when I was born because I looked so much like him. I was the family's hidden secret. I can sing any Luke Bryan song and ace it every time and my third cousin will agree. Besides he always gives me two tickets to a nearby concert to go backstage and see him and the band.

It's the once a year time that I get to see my mother. That's why the man she married hates me. Because I get tickets for free to go see Luke Bryan." He said. My mouth formed an 'O' as he turned to his toolbox in front of me. Not going to lie he did look nice in those Levi's and dirty white tee with his ball cap on backwards.

I still hate Chevys but I love how my boyfriend can fix the classics. He got back under and mumbled a curse. "Need help?" I asked him. "Go grab the wrench I just put down on top of the toolbox." He said. Are you kidding? I'm freaking three inches shorter than five and a half feet and he expects me to reach something just barely out of fingers reach?

I tried twice before jumping grabbing it? "Got it baby girl?" He asked. "Yeah. On the third try babe." I said. I handed it to him. "Thanks sugar." He said getting it. I leaned against the truck now. I could hear an engine of a truck pulling up. "Um. Knox. I think your 'dad' is home." I said. He was quick to slide out from under the truck and look out.

"Get in the cab. Duck down under the dash." He said. I did as he said. "Lock the door." He said. I locked it too. "What the f--- are you doing out here?" A man's voice said. "Getting my truck running for the rest of the school year. I'm not out here often 'dad'." Knox said leaning against the door of the truck casually. "Get it done and get inside. You have an hour." The man said.

"I'm afraid I'm going to be here all night." Knox said. "Then get busy and quit pittling." The man said before slamming the door shut. Knox knocked on the window. The door opened again. "Oh and if you have a girl here why don't you share with your daddy." The man said before slamming it again. I unlocked the door as Knox moved out of the way.

"He'll never get his hands on you." He said pulling me to his side. "So we have the rest of the night. What are we going to do?" I asked him. "Stay low until he's passed out and sleek you home." He said. "But my dad." I said. "I told him the situation in case my dad was home early." He said. "Your safe in here instead of my room or anywhere that he can get to."

"But that includes here." I said. He went over and locked the door before cracking the garage a little. "Better now baby girl?" He asked. I nodded. He kissed me leaned back on the hood. "You look adorable Addi." He said. I giggled as he pressed himself into my lower belly. "You keep poking me and you and I are going to go round and round." I told him.

"How so?" He asked. I ran my hand along his bulge. He groaned. "I wouldn't do that sweetheart." He said. I smirked. "Why not? You seem to be enjoying it." I said. "Please. If you don't stop, I will put you on your knees and have you moaning against me." He said. I ran my hand along him again. "Take me out." He said. I invisibly shuttered. Then unbuttoned his jeans.

He then pulled the hem of his underwear down in front. "Take me out." He said once more. I put my hand around his shaft him letting me. His eyes darkened. I gulped a breath down as I kept going down until I found the tip. My breath hitched as he twitched in my hand as I slipped my middle finger over it. I didn't look down my eyes staying locked on his.

I went back up, him letting out a sigh. "As much as I want to be inside of you, mouth or p---y, I want to wait until your absolutely ready." He said pressing his forehead against mine. I nodded. He took himself from me putting himself away. "That's enough for now. In the future I'll let you do more." He said before kissing my forehead.


As much as I wanted to do dirty things with her, I wanted to wait until she was ready. When that will be? I have no clue. The way her hand slowly went down my shaft. The look in her eyes when she found my tip. I loved how her finger felt against it. As much as I wanted her to continue I knew I had to finish working on my truck to get it finished for our date after my dad was out cold.

I'd play tonight over and over again like my favorite song. I would play it again if I could. The way she kissed me and teased me. I loved how she had this sass and attitude that made me hard with her not even trying.

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