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I parked in front of the shop and cut the engine. I went into the shop and leaned on the door. Under the front end of the classic truck was two jean clad legs attached to my hunk of a boyfriend. I moved closer and gently tapped his boot. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Thought I'd come by and see my boyfriend." I said. I moved over to the side as he scooted from underneath the truck. He was shirtless and had grease and oil on him.

"Should have called first. You shouldn't be out here in the first place." He said standing up. "Knox." A man yelled. "Get in the cab under the dash. Quick." He said. I did as he said. "What are you f---ing doing?" The same man said. "Tuning my truck up. I've got to check it monthly dad." Knox said. "I don't
f---ing care. Get in the house and clean it. I'm going to the bar." The man said.

I saw Knox at the window. He opened the door. "Come on. You've got to leave after he's gone." He told me. "Why?" I asked. "Because when he comes home he'll be drunk and I don't want you hurt." He said looking out the door. "And how long will that be?" I asked. "Long enough for me to clean the house and do most of the laundry." He said.

"Last time you said three am." I reminded him. "Usually three am. With some drunk woman. Ten if not." He said. "And it's five." I told him. "You get started on the laundry while I help." I said. "Ok. Don't complain on what you find. Just clean the kitchen, dining room and living room though." He said. I nodded. He led the way up to the house. He hesitated before opening the door. I followed him in.

"Just the bottles and any trash." He said. I nodded. I was cleaning up beer bottles, whiskey, vodka, tequila. "More than a girl a week?" I asked. "Mostly." He said. I saw a condom and was pretty much disgusted by it. I finished there and went to the dining room and kitchen. They both weren't as bad. There's no way he's going to survive until he's eighteen.

Even though we both are seventeen and have a few months to go. I finished as he came in. "I'll clean the rest up." He said. "There's honestly no way you can survive until your eighteen." I said. He shrugged. "I'm almost there baby. Three more months." He said. A door slammed shut. Knox looked at the time. "Go out the back door. He shouldn't be home this early." He said pushing me towards the door.

"You smell like me the dogs won't hurt you. Go out the side gate and wait until he goes inside." He said opening it. He pushed me out before closing it back. A German Shepard and pitbull came up sniffing me. One tried to lick my hand. I then found the side gate and went out it. I latched it back and peaked around the side. Knox's dad was still in the cab of the truck. I waited until he was inside before sneaking around.

I was grabbed and thrown onto the ground. His foot was place on my back. "Knox. You better get your f---ing a-- out here now." He yelled. I could tell he was drunk. Knox stepped out and turned pale when he saw me. "Have anything to explain?" He asked. His foot dug deeper into my back. "No. She was just leaving." He told him. "So you wouldn't mind if I have a little bit of fun with her." He said.

"You know what will happen if you force her. She's under eighteen." Knox told him. "Oh I know. I don't care." He told Knox. I was too scared to move. I was then grabbed up and almost dragged in. Knox grabbed me away from him and shoved me behind him. "You better give me that girl back." His dad yelled. I stayed behind him. "I don't think so." Knox told him. I now realized how much larger he was than me.

As much as I wanted to back away and get into my vehicle and leave I was frozen in place. Knox started backing up as his father moved forward. "You try to lay another hand on her and I will make sure you can't." Knox warned him. He pushed me to go into the shop. "Oh but the way she's cowering behind you makes my c--- stand on end." His father said. I was completely creeped out by that.

Knox shoved the door closed and locked it. He then kept his back pressed against it while his father tried to beat the door down. When he finally stopped Knox exhaled a breath it sounded like he had been holding. "Never come over without me knowing. Understand?" He asked moving away from the door. I nodded. He pulled me into his arms. He kissed my cheek multiple times.

"You better get home." He said. I nodded. "You can come over for supper any day of the week and you know know you can crash on the couch too." I told him. He kissed me. "I know. I might come over later. He's not going to let this slide." He said before unlocking the door. He peeked out before going out with me behind him. He opened the door when we got there and made sure the door closed.

"Drive safe." He said before stepping away. I backed out and went down the drive before going home. I made it home as the engine gave way. I knew that used spark plug wasn't a good idea. I popped the hood as my mother came out. "You better get inside and start supper right now. Your grounded from that truck and that pathetic boyfriend." She yelled. "Dad's the only one that can ground me. You have no authority over me." I told her as I grabbed the new spark plug.

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