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I pushed my truck into the shop on neutral. That classic Chevy pulled up. "Have you been tuning it up?" He asked. "Trying. My mother and dad went to the courthouse this morning and left Anna with me." I told him. "What needs to be done to it?" He asked. "Tune up, oil change, tire pressure checked. And a whole bunch of other things." I said. "Any house things that need to be done?" He asked.

"If you can work on my truck while I clean and make my little sister help." I told him. "You know I won't mind." He said. I handed him the keys to my truck before going inside. "Don't break anything." I told him. "I won't baby." He said. I took my boots off and stepped into the house. I yelled up to my sister to come down. Of course she didn't. I did mine and dad's laundry before sorting and folding it up.

I cleaned the kitchen well before going back outside. There under my truck was my boyfriend. "Almost done baby." He said before cursing. He rolled from underneath holding his hand. "Got a rag?" He asked. I handed him a paper towel. He held it against his hand. His ball cap was flipped backwards like it always is when he's doing something with engines. I removed it looking at it.

"Come on. Let's go wash it." I said. "I'm fine." He said. "Yeah. I know. But if that oil gets into the cut it will hurt like no tomorrow." I told him. He went along me and washed his hands before covering it up better and going back. Anna was watching the whole time. As soon as he was back out the door she stood glaring at me. "How did you find a guy like him?" She asked. "I don't know to be honest." I told her.

"Could you keep a secret sis?" She asked. "Yeah." I told her. "I want what you have." She said. "Your jealous of how everything in my life has gone aren't you?" I asked. She nodded. "I wouldn't worry too much about it now. The right one will come at the right time. And it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There's days when it completely sucks and others when you wish everyday was like that day. Most days all you can do is either ignore it or put up with it." I told her.

She nodded. "Could you keep another secret?" She asked. "Yeah. Anything you don't want to tell mom you can come to me." I told her. "I don't want to go with her. She expects too much from me since she thinks you're the disappointment. Truth is I want to stay with you and dad. He's treated me better than her." She said. "And remember don't question dad's authority. Especially when he doesn't tell you what's going on." I told her. She nodded. "Need any help?" She asked.

"Think you can sort your clothes out and help strip the beds of sheets?" I asked. She went right to it. I started the washer as the door flung open. I looked out the door seeing Knox holding his injured hand. I had him remove his hand before taking him back to the kitchen. I grabbed the first aid kit while making him lean against the counter while I doctored it.

"What did you do to it?" I asked. "Went to turn the wrench and it slipped making me cut my hand." He said. I finished doctoring his hand when the front door swung open and yelling was heard. "I don't care. I'm taking both girls and that's the end of it." Mother yelled. "You won't be able to get custody of both girls by the time this is over with. You won't even get one because of how much you spend on yourself." Dad yelled back.

"Sounds like my house fourteen years ago." Knox whispered. "I was the unlucky one out of the deal." He sighed. I put the stuff unused back in the container before putting it back. "I'll finish it up later when I have the time. I've got to start supper and finish cleaning the house." I told him. "I'm going to stay for supper tonight. My dad already has a girl over and he was already doing certain things with her that you don't need to hear about." He said holding me against him between his legs.

"Hey sis. Need any help?" Anna asked. "Oh yeah. Mother wanted steaks and dad has no grill thanks to her and we don't have the money for steaks." I said. He kissed my forehead. "That's just her fault. How bout, my treat, I pay for you, your sister, and dad a steak dinner without your mother." He said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Absolutely. I know this amazing place too." He said as dad came into the kitchen.

"Nice to see ya Knox." He said. "You too sir. How would you feel if I took you and your daughters out to eat?" He asked dad. "Are you sure you want to pay for that big of a meal?" Dad asked. "Yes sir. I'm sure I want to. My treat to you three." Knox told him. "If you want to boy." Dad told him. "Who's vehicle?" Anna asked. "We can take mine. It'll fit us all." Dad said. I had given dad my truck after he had to sell his to pay for the repairs.

Dad and Knox let us out before opening a door on both sides. "So where is this place?" Dad asked him. "I'll give ya the directions." Knox told him. Anna and I just sat back as Knox told my dad where to turn and how far to go. Once there I saw it was the nicest steak house in town. "There's no way you can afford this place boy." Dad said. "My mom sent my birthday cash early this year and I wanted to spend it on my girl along with her sister and father if they allowed me." Knox told him.

"If you want to." Dad told him. Senior year started in two days. "Then if you allow me, I'll finish helping her on her truck sir." Knox said before we got out. "Of course. She loves your company." Dad told him.

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