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I got up and found my clothes getting dressed in the process and went to Knox's bag to get him a pair of jeans and a shirt. I laid them at his feet and took one look at his bruised up back before massaging his shoulders. "Too tired baby." He grumbled. "Five and a half more hours to Nashville. Five if we're to stop by your uncle's place." I said. He groaned when I hit a tense spot. I got up on the bed to straddle his back. He sighed as I moved downward towards his butt. There was a little fat mixed in with the muscles that were laid out on his back. When I reached the dimples right above his hips he sat up and rolled over at the same time.

"As much as I like a nice back massage, your too tempting to take under me." He said. "Not until I have your last name." I told him. "Just wait baby. Just wait." He said. I let him up to get dressed before we got breakfast in the lobby and went on our ways. I followed him, stopping for a bathroom break when needed. When we got to Brentwood, he got onto the shoulder waving to me before sending a text. 'Sleep tight baby, I'll see you in the morning.'

I made my way to the house dad and Anna were at. I got out along with my bags. Dad's truck parked next to mine.

"I wanna thrill you like Michael. I wanna kiss you like Prince. Let's get it on like Marvin Gaye. Like Hathaway. Write a song for you like this:

"You're over my head. I'm out of my mind. Thinking I was born in the wrong time. One of a kind, living in a world gone plastic. Baby you're so classic. Baby you're so classic. Baby you, Baby you're so classic."

My phone rang and was nearly on the second round when I answered. "Got home safely babe. Already called my dad before hand so he was expecting me." I told him before he could even talk. "You sure?" He asked. "I'm sure babe." I told him before hanging up and opening the door. My dad jumped from his chair to hug me before Anna. "Supper's on the stove." Dad said. Anna scratched her neck before I realized I could have a hickey. I went back out to grab my bags seeing there was one.

I shot him a text along with a picture. 'Sorry. It looks cute on you though. Date tomorrow night? Fancy wear. Boots and a nice dress.' He sent back. I rolled my eyes. Oh great! A date in Nashville there's no telling what he's got up his sleeve. I grabbed my bags going inside. I put them in the room that was supposed to be mine and went to relax with dad and Anna. Anna was more or less cooking supper. I said I was going to get a shower while she was finishing. It didn't take me long since Knox wasn't trying to get in with me just to hold me against his bare skin.

No sex though. Not until he puts a wedding band on my finger and I have his last name. I don't care if it's to get me pregnant the first time we do it, I better be married to him before we go farther than touching and hands. I got out drying off and got dressed. Then stepped out stretching. That's when dad asked about my neck. Well. He only rolled his eyes when I said that it was from a certain someone kissing my neck in that spot a little too much.

We sat down at the table to eat. I talked more about the summer and what all we saw. Dad thought it was very interesting and Anna was amazed. I then got to the topic of the shop that I wanted to open or work for after trade school. Dad said something along the lines of, it will be good for me to get out and do something other than cars and trucks. That's all I can really do to be honest. I want to expand my knowledge on vintages do classic cars and trucks. Mine is a classic and I'm sure I could learn easily how to work on other makes, models, and brands.

This may be the decision that I'll go against him on. He wished for a son and got a tomboy daughter that loves getting under the hood and completely covered in grease and oil.

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