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I jumped into my truck running late to the art fair. It got cold during the week. I grabbed a random hoodie from my floor and ran for my f-100. As soon as I got on the highway I cruised leaving the windows up with the ac and heat off. Once at the school I saw Knox parked in two spaces to save me one. He quickly backed out letting me pull in. "Man it looks nice." He said. "No dip. I finally got the engine in right before coming. Lets get inside." I said as I put the hoodie on.

"So that's where I left my favorite hoodie." He said. I looked down seeing what was on it. Chevy. "No prob. I got this just in case." I said grabbing a ford cap out of the glove box. I took his cap off and put it on. "Seriously?" He asked. "Hey we match don't we?" I asked. "Then would you mind if I did this?" He asked before pulling me to him and kissing me. When he pulled back I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"You look cute blushing Addi." He said, his voice a little deeper and rougher than before he kissed me. That made a hot mess between my thighs. "Come on lets get inside." He said putting his arm around me. Once at our project we made sure it was untouched. We stood around watching as The judges came by one last time. "If we don't win. It would have been a great effort." He said pulling me closer to his side.

"By the way I have a question for you." He whispered into my ear. Before he could say anymore my ex strolled up. "Look at who missed me." He said. I had to laugh. "You honestly think I'd be missing you? You ran off and moved schools after I found out you were cheating on me. That's pathetic beyond belief. I'd rather have a guy that only wants me and no one else. That's the real definition of a man in my book." I said standing toe to toe with him.

"And yet the girl I knew would never like Chevrolet." He said. "And yet the guy standing next to me would never wear or have anything to do with ford." I told him. "What is your point? That he's your little f--- buddy?" He asked. "Oh you must obviously be missing yours because you have a really small p--is that is smaller than your balls and their microscopic." I said. "And how would you know?" He asked.

"Because your f--- buddy is in my fourth hour and talks about how microscopic it is all the time and that she prefers ones larger than her p---y." I bit back. The guys around us were tuning in. "Oh and I know you prefer to suck em." He said. "Then why don't you kiss my arse and go suck your own d---." I told him.


I was trying so hard not to just walk up behind her clamp my hand over her mouth to make her stop roasting him. If I did she'd be able to feel the tent in my jeans. It only started when she first told me that. That's why I spit back what I said then. I glanced around at the guys onlooking. They were wishing she was theirs.

I finally couldn't take her cursing this guy out anymore. She had me as hard as a rock and she wasn't even touching me. I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder.


I was thrown over Knox's shoulder and carried out. "Put me down." I gritted. "Not yet." He said. I could tell we were nearing the bathrooms. "Don't you even think about it." I told him. "I'm not this is where it's quieter so we can talk." He said before setting me down. "Why?" I asked him. He smashed his lips on mine. Then pulled me closer. I could feel something poking me at the bottom of my belly.

He pulled back. "Before that guy interrupted I wanted to ask you if you would be my girl." He said. I looked right into his crystal blue eyes. "Do you mean, me be your girlfriend?" I asked. "That's the only kind of my girl I know." He said. "I. I." I didn't know what to say. "I'm not going to push you into doing this." He said. "If we win first I'll say yes now. If we don't win first I'll answer you sometime before Christmas." I said.

"That's fine by me Addi." He said hugging me once again. "You know your going to have to go into the bathroom to take care of that beforehand." I said. He chuckled. "Your so cute when you cuss at guys that have ticked you off." He said. I could feel it grow bigger. "I wouldn't call me cute now. And get that taken care of." I told him.

"Yes ma'am." He said before going into the men's restroom. I leaned against the wall waiting on him. He came out minutes later. "Next time I'm taking you into the bathroom with me." He said. "Couldn't get rid of it?" I asked. "I'd keep my mouth shut right now if I was you. You don't want what I have right now." He said. "Yeah a lady boner would totally do me good." I said.

I was pinned against wall faster than I could blink. "You really want to go there?" He asked. I giggled. "Once we're done here I'll show you how big of a boner you give me." He said. "Because I know your dripping wet from me having to jack off." He said. I bit my bottom lip. He stuck his thumb between my teeth and lip. "Don't ruin your pretty little lips." He said unhooking my lip from my teeth.

He then stuck his thumb in his mouth like his favorite sauce was on it. "Let's go." He said putting my smaller hand in his. We walked back to the room and to our project. I stood next to him as the judges made their way to the middle of the room. "The winners this year have proved something that has been in the school's history since before the rivalry. It was a combination of both worlds at this school.

"First place goes to Addison Mays and Knox Bryan." The middle judge said. I was kind of surprised at Knox's last name. He winked at me as the judges came over. We were given our prize and got to stay late as people congratulated us. By the end he had his arm around my waist holding me close to him. "Looks like we're a couple." He said. "A couple of what?" I asked. "Classic truck lovers, Addi." He said.

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