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I ran for my truck once the bell rang. Just as I got to it those Chevy loving boys came right out to the line of Chevy trucks. Just for a little show I opened up the cab door and pulled myself in without the need of the step. I closed the door and grabbed my ball cap from the dash that said Ford girl. I started my truck and the black smoke blew from the dual exhaust pipes in the back.

I then rolled my windows down in the front and put my sunglasses on. My phone synced into my truck playing truck yeah. They all just stared. I know I'm cute, I know I'm hot, but they ain't every going to get me. I stopped as one came up to my truck. "What's a little honey like you doing in a big truck like this? Is your daddy's or your brother's?" He asked leaning against it. "No it's mine. I thought Chevy boys didn't touch ford trucks unless they wanted to drive them." I said.

He moved away from it. I could tell I was getting under his skin. "Then why don't you take a little ride with me?" He asked. "Mm. No. That Chevy of yours looks pretty crappy. I'm sure you'll enjoy driving it. Don't call me when you and your buddies break down. I may be first on rescue day but come on. I won't tow a Chevy out of the mud for nothing." I said. "Oh but don't call me cutie when your broke down on a back road. And if any of my buddies see you stranded I'll tell them to leave ya there." He said.

"Fine by me." I said before covering him and his buddies in black smoke. I can be a real sassy witch when I wanna be. I turned the ac off and rode down the highway with my windows down. I could see the truck that guy was at behind me. Oh so he like to play chase. His isn't four wheel drive and mine is. It rained good two days ago and more likely I'll be the one not to get stuck.

I turned off the highway onto a dirt road I knew well. He followed. I then called the girls. "Hey I got a tail." I told them. "Who is it?" One of them asked. "Some Chevy guy." I said. "Lose him!" They said together. I turned onto the muddy road and took off down the road splashing through the mud and water. I looked back seeing him just sitting there.

He then went down the road. He wasn't even ten feet down when he got stuck. I turned around and made my way back. "Looks like city boy was playing fake country boy. I don't like those types." I said before going back to the highway. I bet I really got on his nerves now. Once I hit my city limits I rolled my windows up and went through town and turned at the red light to go to my job.

I got to the dollar store parking and getting out. I went in flipping my cap around backwards and taking my sunglasses off. Then clocked in and started stocking shelves. Around four in the afternoon two of the guys from that group came in. Non of the other girls working here would stock the health isle wherever we move it so I grow my own pair and do it. Even though that means putting boxes of condoms on the shelf.

As disgusting as it is it's probably what guys think when they have to touch pads and tampons for girls. I finished up and took the empty box to the back. My boss called me into the office. "Here. It's a little something from the rest of the staff." He said. I felt the envelope knowing what was in it. They always try to prank me with this because I'm the only one willing to stock the shelves.

"Nah. This is the millionth time that y'all think it's funny that I stock the shelves with those. I'm done with it. You can get one of the other girls to do it. Or better yet hire some men." I told him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I quit. Simple as that. I won't be coming in tomorrow." I said before leaving his office. I clocked out then went up to the register. No one was around two of the biggest sissy girls were standing at the checkout. Along with the girl I hated the most.

I opened the envelope and dumped the contents over her head. Latex stuck to her hair, rolled off her shoulders and fell into the floor. "Have fun." I said before catching a familiar pair of eyes. He was smirking while she stood there fuming. I put my sunglasses back on heading out to my truck. As soon as I got to my truck he was right there behind me.

"What's your name?" He asked. "Does it matter to you?" I asked. "Considering that you just dumped an entire envelope full of condoms onto that lady's head. That took some guts." He said. "She might as well get use to stacking those on shelves." I said. "May I still get your name?" He asked. "First hour tomorrow." I said before getting in.

He just stood there as I drove off. I went flying down the backroad and turned into the convenience store. I got out seeing a line of Chevys there. I entered seeing all but two of the guys from Chevy club as I call them. I went up to the counter asking if they were hiring. "Desperately." She said. "The manager just took off. Please come back tomorrow and get an application." She said. The whole place was loud.

"These guys always like this?" I asked. "More or less. To them it's still summer. Wait until September." She whispered. "I'll be back tomorrow." I told her before leaving. As I got in a classic Chevy pulled up. I backed out of the parking space and continued home.

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