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I walked with Knox out to the restaurant. He held me as close as he could. We decided to travel around the country to certain cities for the summer before finding place. He opened the door for me letting me walk in. He followed gripping my hand. My dad had moved to Nashville with Anna. So I've got a place in Nashville and found a trade school to learn how to work on the different models and years of classic vehicles there. Knox was understanding and said he'd have to go back to get the rest of his clothes.

So, he's agreed to find a place and we'd both open a shop up. We ended back up in Nashville to stop for the night to see my dad and sister before going back to where we practically grew up. He dropped me off at my house and told me to go straight back to Nashville. I loaded my f-100 down with clothes and the rest of my shop that dad didn't get. A rumbling sound came from outside. I looked out seeing Knox's 'dad' pull up.

I was able to finish loading everything before hopping in my truck while he was walking around the back of the house and run. I didn't push it too hard, just enough that it was almost at that limit. I drove straight for Tennessee. An hour later I got a call from Knox. "You alright baby?" He asked when I answered. "Yeah. You?" I asked. "Meet me in Little Rock. Where are you right now?" He asked. I told him which towns I was between before he said ok and hung up.

I picked the place and found a parking spot. Not even ten minutes later he pulled up beside me. I got out going around to him. He got out limping coming right to me. I wrapped my arms around him. He returned the hug "You good baby?" He asked. I nodded. "I'd suggest we find a motel for tonight before continuing tomorrow." He said. "Same." I said. He held me as tightly as he could wincing. I quickly found a motel along our route and told him where it was. He nodded before we split ways to drive to the same location.

Once there he got a room for the night and opened it for me to go in. He followed. As soon as the door was closed and the shades drawn he yanked his shirt off and got his jeans off too. Then laid out flat on the single bed with a groan. I took my shoes off sitting on the bed next to him. I could see bruises easily lining his torso up to his face. "Your 'dad' do this?" I asked him. He nodded. "I'll be back with ice. Might wanna shower while I'm getting it." I told him.

He gazed at me before sitting up. "Then you better shower." He told me. "I will." I said getting the ice bucket. I went and got it filled before going back to the room. The shower was still running so I knocked on the door. The door opened, I was pulled in, right to his wet chest and body. I looked up into his eyes before our lips collided. Before I knew it, we both were naked in the shower with him pressing me to the wall.

I was able to put my foot up on the side to steady myself as he held me against the wall. I could feel him pressing into my lower belly as he tried not to let himself have full control of it. His hands squeezed my bottom multiple times as I gripped him between our bodies. He groaned as I moved one hand up and down him keeping the other right against his body. I felt him twitch before he had to hold himself up using the wall behind me.

"What have I told you bout that?" He asked. I giggled. He kissed me once more before putting two fingers inside. I picked up my other leg up letting him have more access. He found a soft spot on my neck sucking and nipping at it. He pulled his fingers out putting them in his mouth right in front of me. "I'll let you shower. I was bout to turn the water off when you knocked." He said stepping out. I quickly got a shower before turning the water off and drying off. I went out in a towel to get clothes. I looked back seeing him sprawled out on the bed staring at the ceiling.

I pulled on a pair of underwear then one of his shirts. I grabbed the ice bringing it over to the bed. I put some of the ice in a plastic bag and held it to his swollen eye. "I got away from him before he could get me." I told him. He looked at me. "What do you mean?" He asked. "He showed up as I was getting the last of my things from the shop." I said. He sighed. "Least he didn't hurt or get near you." He said.

I laid down on my side next to him. "Think we're safe from him?" I asked. He nodded. "Should. If not, Luke will interfere and stand between him and I. And I will stand between you and him." He said pulling me to him. Makes me wonder how many times he was beaten like this except for his face. "Knox." "Yeah?" He asked. "How many times did he beat you while we were in high school?" I asked. "More than I let on. More than you need to know." He said holding me against him going to sleep.

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