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Dad said no to the date. I still got a shower and ready for it. Anna even told dad that I'm even old enough to do this. I'm nineteen years old and can be on my own. The doorbell rang signaling that Knox was here. I said I'd be there in a minute as dad opened the door. I finished putting on light makeup finding the boots to wear and opened my door. The look on dad's face had him rethinking what he said beforehand. I didn't go for a grown woman look, but when I looked in the mirror at my outfit for tonight I looked older than I felt.

Knox had a surprised look on his face. I walked over to them and stopped short. Dad nodded to Knox. Knox shook his hand before offering to lead me out to his truck. I knew dad was watching from the window as he opened the passenger side door for me. I got in and partially made sure my dress was in the cab. He grabbed a small part sticking it inside before closing the door and walking around. He got in and we were gone. "You meant to do that didn't you?" He asked.

I got a better look at his outfit from a side view. A ball cap, button down shirt, a pair of nice jeans with a belt and a pair of what looked like new boots. He pulled up to one place. "Live music, good food, would you care to join me?" He asked. He got out went around to my side and opened the door for me. I took his hand and slid out. He led me into a place called the Wildhorse Saloon. He told the hostess a table for two. He kept my hand in his as she led the way up to the second story.

She sat us at a balcony table near the stage where a band was playing. She gave us each a menu before saying for us to enjoy ourselves. "Already know what I want. And if you want to share, we can get the same thing." He said not even opening the menu. "Then I believe on going with what your getting." I said. "Then I guess I'm ordering for us both." He said. We both got the same thing to drink and ordered for us. He winked at me before the waitress left.

As the band played he talked to me about different things as if he was trying to pass time. "Your stalling." I finally told him. "How would you be able to tell?" He asked. "I've been around you and your antics enough this summer and the past year and ten months that I know when you are." I said. He chuckled. "Your definitely right baby. Nothing gets past you." He said. "Ok. Then what's on your mind?" I asked him. "I. I don't know exactly how to put this." He said.

"Put what?" I asked him. "Well... I asked your dad, he was skeptical at first then as I explained it, he said it was ok and that if I were to hurt you then I wouldn't have another chance. So..." He brushed my hand under the table. I tried to reach out to it feeling a box. I took it with a curious look on my face. Our meal arrived before I could see what it was. I smiled before she left. I then pulled the box closer. He looked nervous.

I pulled it up from under the table and opened the box. I stared in shock at the small diamond on a ring. His leg brushed mine. I looked up at him. "You know I have a terrible time saying what's going on in my life. Especially when it comes to what was going on at my house before we came here this summer. After traveling the country with you, I got to know you better than I did before we graduated. And now looking back, you got right in the middle of my personal life, you do things to me that I've never experienced.

"You broke down barriers my buddies never did, or thought bout breaking down. I never thought I'd find someone that had similar interests as me. While doing that art project I found out we had multiple things in common even though we were different still. You never freaked out when I told you who my uncle was, nor did you want to just dump me when you found out what my so called dad did. Instead you encouraged me to keep going no matter how many times." He said. I knew he wanted to say more but couldn't here.

"You can tell me more later if you want to." I said. "I never thought we'd be here now. Even after all of that, you still pushed me to go forward. If you're asking me to marry you then you've got a solid answer that will not change even if you mess up. I know you want to do the same thing as me. We'll do this together. Like we have the past two years." I said. "So that's a yes?" He asked.

"Your the one that I don't want to let go. I'm saying yes not because I love you as a companion, but because I truly love everything bout you. I love you as a person. I love your characteristics. Your amazing. I honestly will love waking up to see you everyday." I said. A smile spread across his face. I pulled the ring out of the box. "May I?" He asked. I let him slip it onto my finger. Dinner was totally different. In a good way. A whole new memory was made.

I honestly can't wait to see what the future hold for us.

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