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I pulled up to the school in my now muddy truck. It's been a good week since school started. I got out of my truck noticing the audience around the Chevys. A bunch of girls. I met my friends at Maria's car as she pulled in. "Girl do you back in one or two handed?" Callie asked. "One." I answered. "Right?" She asked. "Yup." I answered.

Four of the six came over to the car. Maria went up and hugged one. Not going to say anything about it. The one that has a nasty temper pulled up in a Prius. "Sorry this is truck parking only." The guy next to the classic said. "Mine's in the shop. I'm forced to take my sister's car." The guy grumbled. Him and I go round and round, him bickering and me smarting off to him.

I was wearing my build ford tough shirt today. "Oh you forgot to put you cap in the cab." Ansley said. "Whatever now." I said. "Now how do pretty girls like y'all get crappy vehicles?" The guy standing behind Callie asked. "They don't break down as hard as yours do." Callie told him. I had to giggle. The first bell rang. We all walked up as a group somehow.

I grabbed my binder from the hood of my truck and put it under my arm. The whole pack of guys were on the outside making sure we weren't hit by any cars. If I was even tapped by a car I would flip the driver off. Once I was in first hour I saw my seat was taken so I sat down in front of him. "I would take my cap off and let you wear it but I'm afraid it will be destroyed." He said.

He's definitely trying to flirt. I turned around in my seat. "If your trying to flirt it's not working. I don't fall for guys in crappy car gear." I said. He scoffed. "Least my vehicle isn't first on repair day." He said. "Oh but it's first on rescue duty. I doubt Chevrolet has an acronym as great as that." I said to him. "Keep thinking that baby. Because I've got ninety nine problems but my Chevy ain't one." He said.

"What are you Ariana Grande?" I asked. "Nah. Luke Bryan." He said. "Doubt it." I said. "If you tell me your first name I'll give you my real first name." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Can't I ask?" He asked. I finally gave in after him asking me for an entire week, church included. "Addison." I said. "Knox." He said. Oh come on! I turned around in my seat to pay attention to Mrs. Johnson. He started tapping on the back of my seat.

He's bound to get into trouble. Thunder rumbled outside. I licked my lips knowing which road near my house will be a mud pit. It'll be fun. I held my bottom lip between my teeth as a lightning strike lit up the room. Ooh I'm going to have fun. Once the class was over I walked to my next class. I sat down in the seat one from the back.

"What's put a pep in your walk?" Knox asked plopping down. "Just thinking about how muddy one backroad near my house will be once this rain stops." I said. "Afraid of getting through it baby?" He asked. "Call me baby one more time and I will cut your tongue out. And no I'm not afraid of getting down a muddy back road." I told him.

He chuckled. I knew he wouldn't believe me. I slumped down in my chair looking out the window. Rain poured. Man I wish I was out there instead of in here. Once the class was over my phone rang. I answered it. "Hello." "Is this Addison Martin?" A man asked. "Yes sir this is." I said. "You'll go through basic training this afternoon. I hope you learn quickly." He said before hanging up. I sat down in my third hour at the table. Why I have to take art I have no clue.

Knox came in shortly and sat next to me. After the bell rang Mr. Yvonne closed the door. "Today you will be assigned partners for the art fair during Halloween. You and your partner may make a scary picture or one to impress the judges. It has to be related to the school though. I wish you good luck." He said before sitting at his desk. "How bout you and I be partners?" Knox said scooting closer.

"Whatever. As long as we think of something good." I said. "Sounds good to me." He replied. A few girls came over to ask Knox if he had a partner. "Sorry girls I'm already taken." He said. I noticed several girls from my school giving me dirty looks like I wasn't supposed to pair up with a guy from a rival school. At the end of class he gently grabbed my upper arm. "Where will you be after school?" He asked. "My new job being trained." I answered.

"Will this Saturday work?" He asked. "If I don't have work." I said. He nodded. He then wallk with me to our fourth hour, the class before lunch and the other class I had with the fake country boy.

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