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I woke up to butterfly kisses being peppered up and down my neck. I rolled over and pulled my other pillow to me. "Baby girl." A husky voice whispered before more kissed were peppered to my neck. "I want to sleep. My alarm will go off." I said. "I turned it off so I could wake you." He said. "Wait what time is it?" I asked. "Seven thirty." He said sitting down on my bed. "Aren't we late for school?" I asked. "School holiday. Don't worry. Your sister is already at school and it's just you and I so what would you like for breakfast?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked. He chuckled before kissing my cheek. The weight was shifted on my bed before I felt him kissing and sucking on my neck. I moaned as he moved up to my face. His hands massaged my shoulders. "Please no." I mumbled into the pillow. "Why baby? I know your enjoying it." He said moving downward towards my butt. He knew he was torturing me with him giving me a back massage.

I felt his hands on my butt going straight to my thighs. As soon as he was at my feet he rubbed them good before jerking the covers off. "Are you freaking kidding me?" I yelled. "You look so cute angry though." He said as I glared at him. I was just in a tank top and underwear. "Get out so I can get dressed." I told him. "Nope. I know that trick. You're going to kick me out of the room then go back to bed. Not happening today baby." He said crossing his arms.

I knew he was right about that. I got up, found a pair of shorts and pulled them on before going over to my underwear drawer and put a bra on before pulling my hair back and putting deodorant on. As soon as I turned around he had me over his shoulder. "Come on!" I yelled. "Come on baby. I just remembered that your breakfast is out in the shop." He said as we went out the front door.

"Wait. I have no shoes on!" I yelled. "Don't worry bout shoes baby." He said as he opened the overhead door. He then set me up on the hood of my truck. "Are you f---ing serious?" I asked. "It's too early." "I'm so f---ing serious that I would love to have you pressed against me and bare." He whispered into my ear. "Then how bout you try." I told him. "I will tonight. Your dad is letting me take you to dinner then stay the night." He said.

"Besides your mother won't be coming back and Anna isn't going to be saying a word." My mother ran off before the court date and that means she loses custody of anything she could have gotten. I let him kiss me before multiple trucks pulled up. "Did I mention our friends are coming along?" He asked. "I'm still barefoot." I told him. "Come on I'll carry you." He said walking to a truck with my legs and arms wrapped around him.

He set me up on the side with ease before climbing the tire and settling into the bed with me on his lap. Then was going down the road. I couldn't see where we were going only that Knox had both arms around me and was keeping me in his lap. As soon as the truck stopped Knox let me up and stood up blocking my view. He helped me out of the bed and stayed in front of me. "What is it?" I asked. "Do you remember what today is baby?" He asked.

Oh my gosh I totally forgot. He kissed my forehead. "Don't worry. I might forget a few things." He said. "Not our anniversary though." I said. "Never our anniversary." He said kissing my forehead. I giggled. "One moment. I want you to put this on under your clothes." He said reaching into the back seat pulling out a Victoria Secret bag. "No." I told him.

"First look at it before judging it. I told them modest. I've already seen what it is. Don't worry baby. It doesn't show what doesn't need to be shown." He said. He turned around to block anyone from seeing me change. I changed the bottoms first seeing how modest they were. Then the top seeing how modest it was. It showed the bust of my girls and the roundness of my butt.

"You owe me." I told him. "May I see how it looks on you before letting you go?" He asked. "Whatever." I told him. He turned around. I could tell he had a little discomfort down low. "Not showing anything. Turn please baby." He said. I turned around letting him see. "Covering everything I wanted it to." He said before putting his hands on my hips. I looked down at his hands and how he was holding me.

His body was pressed against mine. I could feel how much he was holding back as he just kissed me before telling me to put my shorts and tank top back on. I did and he had to look away while adjusting himself in his shorts in front of me. "Yeah. And fix that problem not with me." I told him. "Please wait here please." He said as he went behind the truck. I watched as he walked back and leaned against the truck.

I shut the door and had to wait until he was done with his little problem. When he came back he hid the fact that I had caused that to him. "Remember what I said last time?" He asked. "That I would be helping you with your little problem?" I said. "Next time it's your hands and you'll be the one to fix it." He said. Could I not be this heated by what he says?

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