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As soon as our friends were gone Knox and I ate a dinner he had fixed and had us both in the back of his truck that had been delivered to the lake. "Do you want to go swimming before heading back to your house?" He asked. I nodded. He led me into the water and swam out to a deep part. I followed until he had almost wrapped me in his arms. I felt the ties on my swimsuit loosen.

Your not scared are you?" He asked. "Depends. What are you doing?" I asked him. He removed my top and slipped his hands around my waist. Then pulled me to him. He kissed me as he massaged my sides. "Your too beautiful baby girl." He said as he moved his hands up. He split my legs with his own and had me straddling him. His fingers brushed the sides of my girls.

"How far do you want to go for your birthday?" He asked. I fidgeted. "Don't worry baby. I won't let us go that far. I'll ensure that we don't." He said before letting his hands slip around my bottom. His fingers brushed my core. "Your turn to make it go away baby." He said lowering me down to his hips. I could feel his situation. "Remember what I said baby?" He asked. I nodded. He kissed me as he moved my bottoms away.

"Then how bout a little swimming without what covers us up?" He asked. "I don't know bout it." I told him. "No one is going to come out here and see us. Their all too busy drinking at a party it's just you and I baby girl. Only us." He reassured. I nodded. He moved us closer to the shallows where he could dispose of his trunks. He then swam out to the deeper area. I swam out to him.

"Can you still touch?" He asked. "No." I told him. "Come here then." He said pulling me to him. When I was flush against him all I could feel was warmth. "No virginity losing tonight." He said before kissing me. I don't know how long we were out in the water. I finally got too cold to swim anymore and wanted to get out. He didn't complain only followed. As soon as we reached shallows he picked me up holding me against him.

He set me on the tailgate on a towel and kept his hands off me. "It's your turn to make it go away baby." He said. He kissed me before standing in front of me with my legs between his. The moon gave off the perfect glow against his dripping wet skin. "Might want to do it now before some of those drunks get here." He whispered. His hands guiding mine to him. Once they were on him he covered me up with a towel before kissing my cheek.

He's actually wanting me to hand him? He kissed on my neck as I felt my hands move. He growled lowly as his hands moved closer. A heat filled my body at the sound. I found the tip before going back up. He moved his hands closer with every stroke. "Your going to have to move a little faster than that." He said roughly trying to keep his patience. I did as his hands found my hips and he started rocking a bit.

Before I knew he pulled away and was leaning on the tailgate catching his breath. "Your going to have to find a new way to do that before too long." He said. He kissed me before throwing his shirt over me. In the moonlight I could see he was having that problem again. I pulled him back to me one hand around his neck the other teasing him. I kept his focus on me until I could feel a liquid start to run out.

He pulled from my grasp spilling onto the ground like before. "Don't do that again unless you want me inside of you." He warned. He put his underwear and shorts on before setting my underwear on the tailgate next to me. "Since you did that without permission I'm going to do this without your permission." He said as he found my bare core. He teased before sliding a finger in.

He stood between my legs now as one arm wrapped around me and his other was between my legs. He took a step back when I felt the high start going down. "Your too beautiful to be seen this way before anyone else baby." He said. I then realized what he was saying. Here we were, we had seen each other naked and had touched each other there. He didn't mind it, neither did I to be honest. He kept his eyes off my body most of the time.


She's confident. I'll give her that. When her hand reached my tip the first time I knew she'd try it again. Even though I wish I was pounding into her, I respect why her dad wants us to wait until after high school. He wants us to graduate before even thinking about sex. We've talked it over and I honestly want to wait until she has my last name before I take her virginity. I'm a virgin myself and want to keep it that way until I'm married.

One thing I can say is that she is not putting her mouth on my c---. Her hands are the only thing right now that I will allow. I'm even going to limit myself to what I do. I kept sneaking glances down at her beautiful body until I felt her clench around my fingers. I kept going until I knew she was about to come. I told her how beautiful she was before letting her put her underwear on. My shirt was big enough on her that it covered everything. I had to get her juices off my fingers before leading her to the cab.

Luckily her dad gave us thirty extra minutes to get home. I'm going to let her shower first then get one myself.

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