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After dinner Knox and I both went to the shop where my truck was. "So every spark plug and wire is new from when you rebuilt it." He said. "As of two months ago it is." I told him. "Would you like to crawl under while I work above?" He asked. "As long as no oil or liquid drips on me." I told him. "The oil's already been changed baby." He said. "That was the first thing I did."

He leaned down to kiss me before flipping his cap backwards and letting me get underneath. "I see what you were doing wrong babe. You had the wrench the wrong way." I said chuckling. "Seriously?" He asked. I looked down seeing his legs spread and his feet on either side of my legs. I finished loosening it asking what he was doing before hand. "Something that was a two person job." He said.

For most of the night he and I were working on it. He slowly pulled me out from underneath it and was on his knees over me, kissing me. "You know how beautiful you are?" He asked. I let him pull me to my feet. He started by kissing me down my neck and up to my jaw. His hands wrapped around my back slowly going down as he went up. Once his hands found my bottom he gave it a little squeeze making me gasp as he stuck his tongue in.

He lifted me up pressing me against the grill and hood of the truck. I could feel his groin pressing into me. It scared me almost as he just held me there kissing me. "I won't hurt you like my father will. I stayed here this summer to be with you instead of going to my uncle's place." He said. "He's the one that turned me into the gentleman I am and would make sure I treated any woman with respect. When you hesitate, I'll stop to make sure it's alright before continuing."

He kissed my cheek before asking if I was alright. I nodded. "Which part are you scared of?" He asked. I didn't say as one of his hands found my hair. His other hand rubbed my thigh up to my bottom. "Is it the area where my body is pressed against yours? Right here?" He asked as his fingers brushed it and separated our bodies. "I won't do anything there you won't want or like." He said.

He unbuttoned my jeans and undid my zipper. As good as it felt, he was being gentle with every touch. I let him pull them down a bit to get his fingers between the denim and cotton of my underwear. He didn't curse and I didn't jump when his finger found my core. "Your ready physically. Not mentally." He said. Meaning my body is reacting to his touch in a positive way where as my mind is making the rest of me lock up and feel scared.

He pulled his hand and body away. He set me down and fixed my jeans. "Not now baby." He said. "I know." I said as he kissed me once more. "How do you think the divorce will go?" He asked. "My dad will acquire everything including my little sister after my eighteenth birthday a week after your birthday." I told him. "Two more weeks then." He said. Because his birthday is in a week.

Dad is letting him spend the night where as mom hates that he is spending the night. "If I had an extra bed in my room I'd let you stay in there." I told him. "It's fine baby. Your dad doesn't want me in your room anyway." He said. "It's because he doesn't want me to become pregnant in high school. That's what happened between my parents. My dad had accidentally gotten my mother pregnant with me and they were forced to marry." I told him.

"Sounds like a great reason for him to have the rule of no boys in the bedroom." He said. I thought he'd laugh or make fun of the rule. "So. If I convince him, it's still warm at night, how about we don't leave the property and star gaze until we fall asleep in each other's arms? Strictly no sex. Not even teasing baby." He said. "I'd like to see you convince my dad while I get a shower." I told him.

"Deal." He said as we took our boots off and rolled our pants legs up. I entered first before he did going to the kitchen to wash his hands and forearms. I got a quick shower before putting some leggings on with a tank top over my undergarments. I then went downstairs seeing Knox freshly showered and had blankets in his arms. "Yes sir. None of that. I promise." Knox told him.

Knox then nodded towards the door. Dad allowed me to go with him. I slipped on some shoes and followed him out. "Your dad did allow me to baby. After I told him what we were doing and what we were strictly not doing." He said. I watched as he threw the blankets into the bed of his truck and put the tailgate down. He then spread them out before letting me join him. I looked up at the master bedroom window seeing dad peaking out.

I sat up on the tailgate ditching my shoes. Then laid down next to Knox. His arm wrapped around my shoulders holding me against him with my head on his collarbone and part of his chest. We did just as he said. Laid out in the bed of his truck watching the stars until we fell asleep.

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