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My alarm went off before I even knew it. I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. I went into the living room seeing my mom and dad quietly arguing about Knox being on the couch. I nudged his shoulder waking him. "I've got to be at work in twenty minutes. I'll buy you breakfast and coffee." I said. He nodded while stretching. I went and brushed my teeth before grabbing my phone and putting my boots on.

Knox then led the way to his truck. He opened the passenger door letting me slide in before he closed it. He then got in and started the truck. "Is your mom always like that?" He asked yawning. "Yup. And doesn't like that I'm getting all the attention and she and my sister are not." I said. He scoffed. "Sounds like BS." He said. "It is." I said.

We arrived five minutes before my shift. I unlocked the door and let Knox in behind me. I clocked in and turned all of the lights on. I started the coffee brewer. "Pick ya something out for breakfast." I said. "Why should I?" He asked. "Because I promised to pay for your food." I said. "I don't let girls pay for anything I eat." He sad. It was my turn to scoff. "And when I say I'm buying, I'm buying." I told him.

"I'd like to see you try." He said. I smirked before a customer came in. All morning I was busy. Knox eventually left to go somewhere else after he kept bickering with me on how I would pay for his food. I won because he had forgot his wallet. I smirked as I clocked out working only a half day. I walked out to my truck and got in.

Once it was on move by Luke Bryan was playing. I buckled in and danced in my seat. The weekend came on after it making me really groove. I rolled the windows down with my sunglasses on enjoying the warm weather. I stopped at the red light seeing Travis next to me. He winked making me roll my eyes. Once the light was green I blew smoke into the cab of his truck. I giggled knowing that irritated him.

That two wheel drive good for nothing crappy Chevy can't do what mine can. I hit a deep mud hole on my way to my house. Once there mom came out with the grocery list. Dad was no where to be found. I looked over the list before getting out. "What in the heck do you think your doing?" Mom asked. "Going to work on my truck." I told her. "Not until you go to the grocery store." She said.

"Its mostly junk food for your period. Take some ibuprofen and get over it. That's what I do." I told her as I shredded the paper in front of her. "You better get a better job if you want to have this crap." I said before disappearing into my garage. I turned the radio on listening to it as I muttered curses and finished taking the engine apart. I then ordered the parts for the engine. After cleaning the shop I heard dad's truck pull up.

I exited the shop seeing mom run out to him whining. I leaned against the door watching the scene. Dad glanced over at me. He said something before walking over to me. "Refusing to go to the grocery store for your mom?" He asked. "All that was on the list was junk food. If it had something we needed then I would have gone and left the junk food." I said.

"Wait by your truck while I see what we need because I know we need milk." He said. I leaned against my truck as he went inside. I could hear mom yelling inside. Then dad yelling. After a few more minutes he came out with a list. I got it from him and took off. I drove down the road before seeing a beat up dodge. I drove on the shoulder to pass him.

As I was about to get back onto the road the tail end of my truck swerved while the front tire was still locked in the ditch. I have no idea what happened after that.


I was on my way to give Addison the numbers for our project. I saw a flipped over truck and pulled off to the side. I rolled my window down before getting out. I called it in checking out the scene. A few minutes later I heard sirens. I saw someone laying on the ground. I went over to the person. Addison. I ran my fingers through her hair thinking she'll open her eyes. She didn't move.

"Over here!" I yelled. Two paramedics came over with a stretcher. They got her onto it lifting her up. Her phone started ringing. I was aloud to answer it. "Hello." I answered. "Who is this?" A man asked. "Knox Bryan." I answered. "Addison's art partner?" He asked. "Yes sir." I said. "What happened? She's not answering her phone. I've been trying to get ahold of her for the past thirty minutes." He said.

"I don't honestly know what happened. I stopped when I saw a truck flipped over and went to investigate. I found her unconscious outside of her truck. They're taking her to the hospital now." I said. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Go ahead and get to the hospital in case she wakes up before we can get there." He said. "Yes sir." I said turning around.

I got to the hospital right behind the ambulance. I parked and went inside. I took a seat waiting for her parents.

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