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I tried to wake up. I could hear voices especially my parents. Another was partially familiar. I could wiggle my toes. My jaw was sore and my right wrist hurt. I groaned. "She's waking." My dad said. I opened my eyes and tried moving. "Careful sweetheart." I heard dad say. I used my left hand sitting up. "What happened?" I asked looking at my dad.

"Your truck flipped." I looked the opposite side seeing Knox sitting in the chair. "What do you remember?" He asked. "Some guy in a dodge truck hitting the tail end of my truck." I said. "What color was the truck?" He asked. "Why?" I asked. "Because I might know who it was that hit you." He said. "It was some off color teal." I said.

"Don't worry about who it was then." He said. "This is bull." Mom said. "You didn't have to come." Dad said. "It's coming from my paycheck." She said. "BS." Dad said. "It's coming out of my paycheck." He said. I looked down at my right wrist. A brace was on it. "They said your jaw was badly bruised and you broke your right wrist." Dad said.

I sat up better. "So when can I get out of here?" I asked. "The doctor should be in here in a few minutes to tell us." Dad said. I sighed. "I finished counting out the numbers after leaving Saturday." Knox said. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "Two days. Today is Monday." He said. "I thought you were supposed to be at school." I said. "I called into the school myself and said I was sick. The school thought I was my dad." He said.

"Oh." I said quietly. "I've got to get to work. Your mother will be going with me. Knox if you want to stay and keep her company you may." Dad said. He nodded. Once my parents were gone Knox pulled a backpack from behind the chair he was sitting in. "Since your locked up in here with nothing to do I think we could get the artwork planned out." He said pulling a laptop from the bag.

"Your willing to work with logos you hate?" I asked. "Kinda have to if we are going to get this over with." He said opening the laptop while sitting on the edge of the bed. I looked at what he had so far. Everything related to his school was already in place. Using my left hand I put the things related to my school on the design. We chose a specific color for both schools putting it as the background.


I sat in class watching the time while the history teacher was droning on. It was right after lunch. Travis had somehow gotten the seat behind me without any problem. Its also October first. twenty eight more days until the reveal of our artwork. I groaned as he kicked my seat again. At the end of class I jumped up almost running to my next class. as soon as I got to my next class I was pulled back into the hall.

"You think you know everything don't you Addi?" Travis said. "Its Addison. You have no right to call me Addi." I said. "But I have as much right as anyone in this school." He said. "Only my friends can call me Addi." I said. "Oh that's just pathetic. I'd move back to the school you came from. Oh wait you can't. Your school blew over." He snarled. Oh so that's what he wants to say? He obviously hasn't seen the mean side of me.

"Oh since I can't go to my own school how about you f--- off." I told him. "Ooh cute girl got a dirty mouth." He said. Oh he hasn't seen dirty yet. "Don't call me cute you f---ing d---." I said before finding my seat as the bell rang. At the end of the day I stormed out knowing that my truck was still being repaired. Knox promised me a ride to work and home. I messed with my brace as he came running up.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. Sanders wouldn't let us out." He said. I Then saw Travis walking up. I flipped him off before getting into the cab. "Who peed in your drink?" Knox asked. "Ask the one that got on my last nerve." I told him. "I hate to ask." He said. "It might be for your own good." I mumbled. "What was that?" He asked. "Nothing." I said. "I heard what you said. I want to know why and who's been bugging you. Mason told me about the confrontation in the hall between you and Travis. I want to know what he wanted." He said.

"He got on my last nerve said a few choice words to me trying to flirt and got called a certain name. No big deal." I said. "Sounded like it was more than just a few choice words." He said. "He called me by my nickname and said it was pathetic moving schools." I mumbled. "He wouldn't know if it was pathetic or not. And he had no right to call you that. Your dad and friends are the only ones that can call you Addi." He said.

"Does that mean your a friend?" I asked him. "If you don't mind me calling you that." He said. I smiled. "If you don't mind a girl that can give you a taste of your own medicine every now and then." I said. He chuckled. "If you can." He said still chuckling. I was so tempted to say one just to see his facial expression. "Ok. Then why don't you kiss my a-- and go f--- yourself." I said. "That's harsh. Why don't you unzip my pants and take my c--- out and suck on it before I stick it in your p--s." He said.

"Your trying to get on my bad side aren't you?" I asked. "Nope. Just dishing back what you threw at me." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Your definitely something else." He said. "Means your independent and strong willed." He looked over at me. "Also means your able to take care of yourself without anyone's help." He added.

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