Chapter 3

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My eyes shot open and I jolted up. I almost fell from my spot on the window. I slowly got up from the window seal. It was dark outside already. I walked out of the room and saw May grabbing her coat and her purse.

"Oh, hey Veronica, we're going to get Thai food, you want to come?" May asked me.

"I would like if you could just bring me some food please?" I asked her. "I just don't want to run into someone who wants to take me back to...wherever I was."

"No problem," She smiled before walking into the small kitchen. I walked over to the guest room, when I heard voices. Peter and Ned. I knocked on the door.

Peter answered and immediately signaled me into the room. I walked in and he closed the door behind him.

"Uh we weren't talking about Spider-Man," Ned said. I giggled.

"I know about Peter, Ned," I said. Ned's eyes widened and looked from Peter to me.

"Is Veronica a part of the team?" Ned asked, excitedly.

"No, but she is a part of my current mission," Peter said while walking over to his desk.

"Cool! Wait, why?" Ned asked. Peter looked at me, uneasily, as if he didn't want to tell my story to Ned.

"Veronica? Do you want me to tell him?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Mr. Stark found Veronica as a captive in an abandoned HYDRA base. They wiped her memory so she didn't remember anything. She's been getting flashbacks while she sleeps. They sound awful."

"Wow, that's cool. I mean! Uh, it doesn't sound awesome but that's cool you're getting flashbacks! Do you know why you have that cut on your temple?" Ned asked. He sounded like a four-year-old that was really interested in a topic.

"The leader dragged me out of my small prison while he was preaching to his workers in German, then he took out his switch blade and cut my forehead, I don't know exactly why though," I said.

"Woahhh," Ned mumbled.

"Peter come on!" I heard May yell.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Ned, are you coming with us Veronica?" Peter asked me as he opened the bedroom door.

"Oh no, I don't want to risk being seen right now," I said. He nodded his head as Ned walked out of the bedroom.

"I understand," Peter said. "See you when we get back."

"See ya," I said as he walked over to May.

"What do you want?" May asked me.

"Just white rice, that's it," I said. She smiled then they all left. It was the first time I was alone in the apartment.

I hadn't been left alone in the apartment yet. I walked into the guest room and went to the window seal again. I looked out the window. It was dark out, the moon was a beautiful silver color, I could see water in the distance, it looked beautiful.

I smiled to myself, I've noticed that about the two days I've been here, I like beautiful things. The way the moon shines on water is a captivating sight.

I leaned against the window seal and stared out the window. Something about this beautiful sight was familiar to me. Why? Did I look at sights like this with my dad? What about my mom? Did I have a mom?

I walked away from the window and to the foyer. I sat down at the couch and turned on the TV. It turned to the news.

"Tonight, the local superhero, Spider-Man attempted to stop a group of criminals from robbing an ATM spot, but somehow caused a horrible explosion in the ATM spot and the sandwich spot across the street," The news anchor said, then showed a picture of Spider-Man, then a picture of the fatal damage. It looked bad. That was Peter? How did he not die?

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